Categories: bloggingFriends

Blogging Lives On…

I have been reading blogs for almost as long as I have been writing one.

I started writing here (or, at in November of 2006.  Then a year later I found OTHER blogs through a friend of a friend.

Mind. Blown.

(I was so cute back then, figured only 10 other people were blogging like me.  Came to find it was more like 10 million. Precious, right?)


I know there has been talk that blogging is “dying” and that other forms of social media are taking over but blogging is NOT dead to me.  At all.

Thank goodness.  I still read my favorite blogs as often as I can, even with all the other stuff I have to do, like feed kids.   And laundry.

Damn laundry.

Even though I cannot keep up as much as I used to, I also cannot deny how much inspiration I have gotten from other bloggers.  Whether it be their writing or their photographs or even a recipe they shared.

I have sat at my computer many a time nodding along to another mother’s words, or admiring the composition of that photo or saying, “yum, I wanna make that” in my head.

I have also disagreed, of course.  Because that is what makes the world go ’round.

I have gotten support and given it.

We all know I’ve made dear friends through this space.

This week, in particular, I shared several posts on my person FB wall.  Things that really struck me.  Words that definitely HIT HOME.

So I figured I would share them here too.

Why not, right?

Sharing is good.  And fun.


First of all, let’s get some business out of the way.  Mommy Shorts opened my eyes to a few things about my Facebook page with this post – How To Improve Your Relationship With Facebook.  If you have a Facebook page, for your blog or even a business, you should go read this. The MAIN thing I garnered from this was –  if there is a page you really like then go to that page, click on the “Liked” box and then click on “Get Notifications” from the drop down box (you can see an image on Mommy Shorts’ post).  This way you will see every time that page posts something.  I was SO happy to find this! I have several pages that I love and I was rarely seeing their stuff until I did this!  So, since you want to see my posts, go to The Miss Elaine-ous Life and click Get Notifications, k?  🙂

Next, sometimes I feel kinda “guilty” for being at home with my kids.  You may ask, “Why”?  You may think, “Wish I could.”  You may think I am a lazy a$$ for doing so.  Whatever your opinion, I agree with THIS post by Andrea from About 100% – This Is What I Do.  Hey!  That’s what I do too! YAY!  This is what many of us moms do.  It works for us and our family.  And that is all that matters, in my opinion.  Anyway, go read.

THIS post REALLY hit home.  The Mom Creative encourages us to wear our swim suits and jump in with our kids this summer (and every summer) even if our bodies are not ideal (have you SEEN the ‘ideal’ lately? yeah, not happening here).  Her post, Put on That Swimsuit, encourages every Mom to see past their supposed flaws that their children DO NOT notice and have fun with them in the water.  I am already doing so but her comments prove that many are not.  I totally agree with her so get in the water Moms!

Lastly, my good pal Jennifer asks us – How Do You Define Beauty?  Then she answers in her own beautiful way. Go on… I’ll wait.


This is just a sample of awesome stuff I have read lately.

Please, won’t you add something in the comments that you have loved lately so I can find it?  Even if it is your own…




P.S. Still giving away an awesome JORD wood watch! Come enter to win – $129 value!

AND enter to win $125 to Amazon or Target with my #HappyMamas friends! 


Lastly, I am taking over the BonBon Break Instagram feed today so come see me there! @bonbonbreak


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