I started blogging because I like to talk about my kids wanted our family and friends to easily be able to see pictures of the boys and get updates on our life. (insert gratuitous shot of children here:)
Yep, there they are, making a complete mess of my den. Moving along…
I am telling you now (and believe I’ve said it before) I had NO IDEA what a community it was when I started. Most of my first year posts have no comments. I didn’t even really now how to leave one myself (no lie!). Then one day I received an email from my friend Jodie’s friend Nicole and it noted her blog address on the bottom of the email. I was so excited to see someone else that had a blog! I went there and found that she had this really great list of other blogs she read. It was from that list that I began to poke around and weave through the maze that is the blogosphere. As they say, the rest is history.
Anywho! I found this at Rachel’s blog – Mommy Learns to Blog. She’s only been blogging for about 5 months but she’s already got it down. Yep, she’s THAT good. It only took me a year or so! ; )
1. How long have you been blogging?
I have been blogging since Thanksgiving weekend of 2006. Almost 2 years! Wow, time flies when you’re having fun! : )
2. Link to your first blog post ever.
Here it is! It even actually has ONE comment thanks to my brother Larry! : )
3. What is that ONE driving force that actually made you create that blog account?
I would say seeing my friend Lisa blog (p.s., it’s her daughter that I baby-sit now). Hers was the first blog I’d ever really seen and read on a regular basis and I saw how easy it was for her to keep her peeps updated on her life. I wanted to show my family & friends as well…
4. How did you come up with your blog name and what other names were considered.
Well, when I first started I had something up like “Life Happens… And We Plan to Enjoy It!” HONESTLY, I did not know that was the “name” of my blog. Clueless, right?
Some months later Tim and I were on the phone and I brought up that I thought my blog needed a different name, after reading MANY other blogs that had ACTUAL, good names! We brainstormed on the phone together and it didn’t take too long for us to come up with mine. And since I like to post about ALL sorts of things and I love a good play on words, it works!
5. Post a link to your favorite blog post ever.
These are just some favorites (how could I pick just ONE ever??)
Here’s 3 – you can pick your fave.
This one is about Little G and from his point of view!
This one also has Little G as the main subject. It’s great for the story and the picture. OH and p.s. the grandson of this woman is now in G’s MDO class so I get to see her often. Oh joy of joys.
I like to do random lists alot and here is one of them from many months ago. It even has a yummy recipe at the end.
And for more randomness, here’s a little nugget for ya.
Can I just tell you that people are coming here in droves (o.k. maybe not droves) by searching for the term “mini heart attack” on Google, due to the fact that I used that phrase in this post? I am scared at how many people must think that they are having a mini heart attack. And is there such a thing? I don’t know. Google it and you will come right back here! : )
And they are also searching for Elaine’s Toffee (I am warning you if you click over there you will have to wipe drool from your chin) because I talked about chocolate and toffee once (gee, imagine that!).
Okay, I just had to get that off my chest. Don’t ask me why. I guess ’cause I am Miss Elaine-ous! ; )
P.S. If you want to answer those 5 questions too you mostly certainly should and you can even link up at Dana’s place! Just let me know if you do!
That was really neat! I am so glad I had the privilege to meet you in person before I read you. I can put a face and a voice to the words on my screen. FUN!
I started blogging pretty much the same way in May of 2006 when I was pregnant with my oldest! But, I didn’t get active in the blogging community until earlier this year! It is a whole new world and so much fun, isn’t it?
Well you have one blog friend out there who is so grateful that you started a blog! Because I have gained a friend.
And I LOVE your blog name!
Great post!
You are an everyday stop with my cup of coffee in the morning! Thank you!
Great story–I am thrilled you blog. You are fun to read and the boys are dolls
It’s so fun and addictive isn’t it!
I’m going to do this one next Tuesday!
I love the name of your blog–very creative!
Where would we be without that 1st comment from our siblings?
I started blogging just to futz with blogger. FOR REAL.
Pretty pathetic, eh?
At least YOUR intentions were good, versus mine!
I loved reading all of this about you.
I LOVE your blog. Love love love it! You are a great writer and who doesn’t like to show off their kids
What fun to hear about how you got your start. It’s been 1.5 years for me. I can’t remember if I ever told you how much I LOVE your blog name? Super clever.
Love your blog.
Love the “name”
Loved hearing how you got your start, it’s alot like hoe I started.
Thanks for linking up!
I did this too!
Too much fun.
Loved learning a little more about you and how your blog came to be.
I love your blog name…I too love a little play on words.
So glad I stumbled across you…I do so love your blog!!!
Okay, so Little G’s halo hair is hilarious!!! I laughed out loud at work, again… I also read this when you posted it. That lady and her digits. I now check your blog at least every other day. It’s part of my lunch-at-my-desk routine.
My. Goodness.
I neglected to see this post, therefore I am just getting around to leaving you a comment.
And you left me such a wonderful compliment!
Thank you – I don’t really think I’m THAT good, but it means a lot coming from you, whose blog I adore and think is utter fabulosity!
I loved reading all this stuff about you!
Thanks for sharing (and humoring me in my plea for others to hop on the Top 5 bandwagon for this subject – love it!)!!!