So Saturday night I met up with some DFW area bloggers. It was really cool to meet some other ladies that live in the area and also are addicted to like blogging. We talked about all kinds of things, some blog related and some not. I learned that there is a new addiction out there called Twitter (although I had heard of it before) and I also learned that it’s pretty easy to make new friends when you share a common interest.
These gals are great and
funny too! So who was there you ask?
Anglophine Football Fanatic organized the get together for us and although she’s been bloggin’ less than a year, she’s up on everything (she does Twitter by the way).
June Cleaver Nirvana is a mom of 3 boys and gave us the “in person” run down about her marker-illustrated incident with her mini van. You must check it out, it’s too funny (and she’s okay…).
TX Poppet filled us in a little about what life will be like with teenagers (sounds like she’s got 2 really good ones!) AND gave us strawberry jam. Love her! And
verybusymomof4 may very well be one of the sweetest ladies I’ve ever met and it does sound like her blog title is right on! We had a great dinner and when I got in my car and saw that it was 10 pm I had no idea it was that late.
Thanks ladies for a great time – it was wonderful to meet you! Let’s do it again soon!

(if you would like to see a more “artistic” depiction of this same picture, you must visit JCN here… she’s great with Crayola markers, I tell ya!)