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Can you believe it? I have been doing this blog thing for a year now. Last year one of my first posts was a picture of our Christmas tree, and this year we got a new one. We are staying in Arlington for Christmas this year (this will be the first time in my LIFE that I am not in Austin, Texas for the holiday) and we felt it only fitting that we have a new, beautiful tree during the inaguration of our own traditions. Not to mention our other one was total crap (sorry but that’s the best way to say it!) and guess what – after posting it on craigslist last night it’s already out of the house this morning!

But, I digress… So after a year of doing this, here are a few of the milestones since I started:

*My nephew Daniel has thrived after being born almost 3 months premature

*My first son Benjamin turned 3 and is (almost) potty trained

*My second son Gavin was born into the world and has filled it with even more joy

*We celebrated 90th Birthdays with 3 of Tim’s Grandparents
*We got together with family and friends for many holidays and special occasions

Looking back we are so surrounded by wonderful family and friends that it is pretty overwhelming in itself. And I have to say that I am so glad that I have been doing this – it really is an excellent way to keep people up to date on the boys and just our life in general. It even keeps me up to date too! HA! Thanks to all of you who have let me know how much you like the blog and I always appreciate your comments. Also, I have gotten quite involved in this whole blogging world and look forward to honing my skills and having my own blog evolve even more this coming year. That’s my “new year blog” resolution anyway! We shall see what the future holds! Oh, and here’s a picture of the new Christmas tree (pre-lit rocks!). As Ben says “it is SO big and SO beautiful!” (His words, not mine)

Happy Holidays!


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