I occasionally find myself thinking back on BlogHer and missing my friends that I spent time with and met there.
My roommate from the conference was Haley, whom I’d met back in January when she came for a visit back when we were still in Texas. And although she’s like a decade younger than me, (you shoulda SEEN the look she gave me yesterday when I mentioned the movie “Better Off Dead” – she had no clue what I was talking about – oh and she was in the FOURTH grade when Kurt Cobain died, I was a Freshman in college YES SHE MAKES ME FEEL A LITTLE OLD) she’s a fun, sweetheart of a lady and for some crazy reason (tee hee!) wanted to meet the sweetness that is my baby girl.
She came for another visit to do just that over this past weekend and we had fun just chatting it up and letting Tim cook for us. : )
We intended to do some scrapbooking but it just didn’t happen and we were both sacked out in bed by 11 p.m. on Saturday night. Yeah, we’re party animals.
But, it was really good to see her and she got some good snuggle time in with the wee one.
And yesterday as I was going through some pictures we took, Little G was near my laptop and said “There’s Miss Haley!” I’m pretty sure he enjoyed having her here too…
Do you like my ring sling? This is the one that Kim from Prairie Mama made for me. Isn’t it gorgeous? And Haley was SO helpful in helping figure out a good way to carry Baby K in it because she’s actually watched the video that Kim has on her blog that gives instruction and tips. Me, I started it but got distracted a couple of times and gave up. But now I know and it’s great! Plus, that part that hangs down has an awesome pocket that is big enough for a diaper and keys and a burp cloth, etc. Not to mention it has padding on the part above the ring that goes on your shoulder area.
And let’s just gush over the pretty fabric too, shall we?
Anyway, if you need a pretty, comfortable ring sling you should definitely contact Kim, she’s fast and easy to work with and So talented. Did I mention the darling leaf-motif stitching that’s on the sling as well? Yeah, totally cute.
Email her if you need one, serioulsy (they’d make great gifts too and NO she did not ask me to say any of this, I just love her and met HER at BlogHer also and she is the sweetest, most geniune person and I love supporting people like that…)
So, we had a good, pretty relaxing weekend.
The B Man even got to go to his first birthday party since we moved here – a friend from school invited him. I’m so glad he got to go (Tim took him) and be with friends and bring home a treat bag with mini pb cups in it.
Mini PB cups…how did I miss that? LOL
I’m the photos turned out well!
How sweet of little G to mention me…I miss the kiddos already…next time I’ll bring J pants…chaos or not
You look amazing!
and I love the sling, that kim has crazy talent.
you are STILL glowing elaine! how cool to catch up with a blogher friend – i’m still bummed i can’t go!!!
Love that sling (but not enough to have another baby!)–you look great. I was out of college when Kurt died…..dino age
I just washed my slings – they are ready and waiting for this baby to come!
Oh you are SO sweet!! Thank you for the great review of the sling. i love how it turned out
Yeah, I was in high school when Kurt Cobain died, I think it was the end of my junior year or beginning of my senior year…I don’t even remember what time of year it was, really impacted me can’t you tell?
Miss Haley is a youngin’ but a sweet one for sure!
I love the fact he called her Miss Haley…how respectful!
You look great, the sling is beautiful! Glad you are enjoying it!
What fun! You two sound like me and Cheryl – we were in bed by 11 both nights of our girls weekend too.
Party animals we are not but we know how to have fun during daylight hours. That counts, right?
I’m so happy you had a real, love, adult visitor to have adult conversation with, and how sweet of her to come see you.
p.s. I certainly hope you rented Better Off Dead while she was there! how can anyone miss that movie!?!? I love it. And I have a thing for John Cusack.
Sounds like you guys had a very fun weekend. I love the sling, too. Very cool.
looks like a fun time..that’s so neat you made such a great friend! love the sling…she looks so sweet and cuddly!
Those baby slings came out when my 14 year old was a baby. I loved them and used them all the time.
Yours is so chic!
Ooooo. Very pretty sling! I can never figure out the ring slings though. I’m lame like that.
You all look so Great and I dreamed about you & Haley last night LOL! Kim did a great job- that sling is gorgeous.
What a fun time
That must have been nice to have her visit and it’s great that you have a relationship like that. Love the photos and the sling…so cute. You and your little girl look just beautiful – love it 
Love the sling, you look great!
I was never able to do the sling thing I wish Izzy liked it but not for her. You look great!!!!
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