Blissdom ’13 & One 2 One Network

In January of 2011 I made a fairly “last minute” decision to venture to Nashville, Tennessee to attend Blissdom.  I set off to only my second conference, at the time, to room with two other bloggers I barely knew and to see some of my other friends.

As I rode the fairly empty bus from the airport to the resort I had a lot going on in my mind about what it would be like to meet these ladies and so many others.  I was excited, as always, to solidify friendships and to make new relationships blossom as well.

I have said it before and I will say it again, I go to conferences mainly for the people because I thrive off of those connections.

And right there on the bus I made my first connection with woman who was there to represent her company…

I gleaned many things from that conference, including inspiration from many to delve more into writing for myself as well as the confidence and courage to begin taking photographs for other people… Blissdom ’11 essentially sent me into motion to “follow my bliss…”

But something else happened while I was there that I had not expected. Blissdom ’11 was also the first conference where I really felt like I could connect with the brands that were there, on a more intimate level.  I was not overwhelmed with the amount of them and I was happy to have them talk to me about their products and why they felt someone like me – a “blogger” was important to their companies.

So, I would love to go to Blissdom ’13 to foster those type of connections again and gain some of that same inspiration I felt last time.

Plus, this year the conference is being held in the DFW area where I moved from, 3 years ago, so it will be like going HOME.

And I know I can also share with others the greatness of the One 2 One Network and all it has to offer as a community for bloggers and women like myself.

(I even met Mat Kearney at Blissdom ’11 and joined the fabulous campaign for his album this year that One 2 One sponsored)

I’m ready to bring my enthusiasm for learning from and connecting with others at Blissdom ’13!  And if you ask my friend Jennifer, I “know” everyone so that should go a long way toward spreading the word! 😉

See you there!

*I wrote this post as an entry to win a full conference sponsorship package to Blissdom ’13 with One 2 One Network.  I could also win a free conference pass if my entry is chosen.  All opinions and experiences are my own. 


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