I don’t mention fashion and style very much here on the blog simply because it hasn’t been THAT big a part of my life in a while. Of course I like to dress nice when the hubs and I go out or I meet friends for dinner but let’s face it, the daily wardrobe does not require much. I mean who wants “kid juice” (which encompasses a WIDE range of liquids, by the way) on their latest Oscar de la Renta (yeah, because I can SO afford that! HA!)?
Do you see what I see? Yes kids, it’s sock with sandals/heels. I had to avert my eyes at first because I was so scared.
Let me just tell you right now, I don’t care how many celebrities people are sporting this look in the Fall, I still will NOT be jumpin’ on that bandwagon. NO, NO! My ankles are about the only thing I like about my legs and this is NOT happening. Oh and these are only two examples of the horribleness “trend” that I found.
So let me ask you, is it just me? Is it because I am getting a little older and therefore (oh no, here I go, I am gonna say it!) frumpier? Can I just not “hang” with what is hip these days? Please say “No!” Please tell me I am not the only one who is anti-sock and sandal. Please.
I was walking around our backyard tonight at dusk. I looked back at the house…
I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention. I regret it now. Hindsight and all that. …
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