Categories: FashionMisc.

Blinded by the Socks

I don’t mention fashion and style very much here on the blog simply because it hasn’t been THAT big a part of my life in a while. Of course I like to dress nice when the hubs and I go out or I meet friends for dinner but let’s face it, the daily wardrobe does not require much. I mean who wants “kid juice” (which encompasses a WIDE range of liquids, by the way) on their latest Oscar de la Renta (yeah, because I can SO afford that! HA!)?

I did get a degree in Fashion Merchandising and before the SAHM gig, worked in both the clothing and home decor industries. So, I feel I know just a tad about these things. Plus, I have subscribed to VOGUE magazine since I was 15 or so and surely that makes me an expert, no? I mean I even paid for my subscription with my own baby-sitting money back in the day. (At the time, Mom didn’t really think that the magazine was good for an impressionable teenager. I disagreed.)

I had big deams of going to fashion college in New York and watching my designs hit the cat walk but alas it turns out I am not that much of an artist and well, there wasn’t much money to go to school out of state. So here I stayed.
Anywho, fast forward to September of 2008 and I have just received my latest edition of my beloved fashion mag that is about 3 inches thick and weighs just a little less than my 15-month old. I am tellin’ you the mail carriers must bulk up in September because that issue is a beast! Yeah, most of it is ads and such but it’s still fun to flip through and dream.

That is until you get old-ish. Like me. I sat there wondering how in the world anyone thinks that some one like me is going to even think about wearing a knock-off of these things from Target. (I know that sentence made no sense, but just read it again and it may…) Seriously, you must be kidding. Oh and ladies. The eighties are back. You want proof. I got you some right here.

Do you see what I see? Yes kids, it’s sock with sandals/heels. I had to avert my eyes at first because I was so scared.

Let me just tell you right now, I don’t care how many celebrities people are sporting this look in the Fall, I still will NOT be jumpin’ on that bandwagon. NO, NO! My ankles are about the only thing I like about my legs and this is NOT happening. Oh and these are only two examples of the horribleness “trend” that I found.

So let me ask you, is it just me? Is it because I am getting a little older and therefore (oh no, here I go, I am gonna say it!) frumpier? Can I just not “hang” with what is hip these days? Please say “No!” Please tell me I am not the only one who is anti-sock and sandal. Please.


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