I don’t mention fashion and style very much here on the blog simply because it hasn’t been THAT big a part of my life in a while. Of course I like to dress nice when the hubs and I go out or I meet friends for dinner but let’s face it, the daily wardrobe does not require much. I mean who wants “kid juice” (which encompasses a WIDE range of liquids, by the way) on their latest Oscar de la Renta (yeah, because I can SO afford that! HA!)?

Do you see what I see? Yes kids, it’s sock with sandals/heels. I had to avert my eyes at first because I was so scared.
Let me just tell you right now, I don’t care how many celebrities people are sporting this look in the Fall, I still will NOT be jumpin’ on that bandwagon. NO, NO! My ankles are about the only thing I like about my legs and this is NOT happening. Oh and these are only two examples of the horribleness “trend” that I found.
So let me ask you, is it just me? Is it because I am getting a little older and therefore (oh no, here I go, I am gonna say it!) frumpier? Can I just not “hang” with what is hip these days? Please say “No!” Please tell me I am not the only one who is anti-sock and sandal. Please.
Oh no, I won’t be jumping on that bandwagon either! But in saying that, I haven’t followed many of the other fashion trends of the previous year or 2 … the 80’s should NEVER have come back!!! I follow my own sense of fashion & style, and what looks good on me. Not what the magazines or fashion designers tell me. Lucky, because I would look ridiculous in those outfits!! Like mutton dressed as lamb
It’s against my religion, or something… No no a thousand times no. Or shoulder pads either. Not ever again.
you are NOT the only one! this is so unbelievably horrible… i can’t even handle it. i wonder who the person who comes up with this stuff is… and why they think it would ever be ok to do that!
Okay, that look is all kids of BAD! You’re not getting old or frumpy. Hip is not always right LOL!
But it’s crazy, the stuff that’s coming back. Leggings, I never thought; jodphurs, wow… and now the latest I’ve heard … wait… shoulder pads!!!! Shudder!
Um, no. YOU are not the problem…the weird-ness of socks with strappy shoes of ANY sort is NOT your fault. I hope that trend doesn’t catch on…my eyes may catch on fire!!
Have a great day, friend!
Oh.My.Word. They went there, didn’t they? I like some of the trends, that are back, but this is NOT one of the trends in which I will partake. I am shuddering just think about socks with sandals. Don’t they know old men do this? ha ha ha.
Yuck, yuck, yuck. Those are not even funky socks, they are my Grandpa’s socks. I can’t see many real people doing that. I hope!
OMG! I wen to fashion school in L.A. In my previous life, I had a fancy job at a fancy boutique that was next to a french bakery!!! I wonder if they’d recognize me if I went back? I’m certain they wouldn’t let me passed the door if they saw me in all my frumpin’ glory! Tarjey is our only friend now…sigh.
Ok I like to think I am pretty hip but socks with heels NO WAY!!! talk about frumpy!
Elaine you are still very hip my friend!
Totally with you….I can’t even do the shoes, let alone the socks.
Just say no to socks with sandals. NOOOOO!
I wouldn’t even let my girls do that when they were little…that’s just plain wrong!
oh for the love of pete! they are joking right?! it must be a joke!! please, let it be a joke.
Eugh, NO! I actually thought that maybe since much of the eighties was so awful we would skip right over them! I am disgusted. No socks and sandals here. No way.
They must have stolen that look from my Father. The Old Man has always been a trendsetter.
ACK!!! NOOOOOOO!!!! That is so scary!
I think it’s pretty much unanimous…as others have said before, 1000 times NO!
I saw a friend wearing cropped pants with tights and pumps and thought wow, if that’s in style then I am so good with not being in style:-) Boots and cropped pants is cute… but pumps and tights?
No way would I wear that…ever!
It’s the whole 80’s vibe…not really feeling it. Love the movies and music, though. The fashion? Nope.
I will definitely NOT be embracing that trend. It was ugly then and it is ugly now.
I will say what I told @mmwine on Twitter when he showed me your post: blech! Socks and strappy heels?! That’s just leaving TOO MUCH to the imagination…
Reminds me of an ex-bf I had who would always wear socks with his birkenstocks. Drove me crazy!
oh honey thank you for this post. seriously.
just got my copy and instead of being inspired and excited, i put it down feeling super old and boring.
i mean really when did this happen??
the whole time i was looking at it i kept thinking really? no way? who would really wear that? and that? no thank you.
some days it sucks getting old
My super cute and young 20 year old sister in law has fully embraced the 80’s and all it’s trends.
I fear I’ll have to inform her that I completely remember the 80’s and it SO wasn’t cool even the first time around.
I swear if I see someone sporting socks with sandals I will stab myself in the eyeball with a toothpick. Also, I think this is my first time stopping by here. Lovely blog.
OH my! You had me laughing hysterically! I’ve been thinking the exact same thing when I see ads for clothes…I SWORE the 80s would be one fashion decade that would NOT return…I can’t believe it…it is the worst fashion EVER! No, I will not be wearing socks with sandals EVER!
i’m with you…my ankles are about the best feature on my bottom half… i will not be wearing socks and sandals together…and those heals…well, i’m pretty sure i might break my poor ankles if i tried to walk in them!
I think they do this on purpose. To see if they can start some horrible trend and then sit back and at laugh at the stupid people who blindly follow.
Atleast this time it won’t be us!
That. is. just. wrong.
On so many levels.
I am with you Elaine.
I am not jumping on that bandwagon either!
Fashion at its worse! Let the eighties stay where they belong, in the eighties. I didn’t do it then and I’m not doing it now. Plus, I don’t get many chance to wear heels and when I do, I am not going to cover my feet with socks- YUCK!
And you certainly not frumpy, you just have taste now.
HORRIBLE!! Are you kidding me?
I hate getting older too, but reverting back to what I somewhat survived? I think NOT! Fashion Forward people, not backwards!!
Really a great post. I was on the floor laughing!
Even as a sock and sandal wearer that is just wrong….
Oh no, I hate that almost as much as I hate skinny jeans! Almost.
Now, I get what you were talking about. YOU are right….
I didn’t know you did fashion merchandising! Cool! Maybe I’ll have to make you my personal shopper. :o)
And…well, please don’t look at my daughter’s feet next time you see us. She likes to wear socks with her sandals. I know, I know…but she’s TWO!
Sock with sandals – NO!
I’m with you.
That is just plain wrong. I whole heartedly agree with you, and I like to think of myself as somewhat stylish ( even if I’m the only one who thinks so).
You are definitely not alone! I still struggle with the fact that women wear tights or hose with open-toed shoes!