Sometimes when I look at my life I wonder how things fell into place so easily.

I say, “easily”….

Because even though life is not perfect around here or well, anywhere that I know of, mine has been full of people who love and care for me since day one.  It is hard to believe that sometimes that is not the case for other people.

Every now and again we need to take a step back and realize all the love and blessings in our life and last week was one of those times for me.

Even though I was sick for the majority of my trip to Texas, I made the best of my time there and after Blissdom, saw so many more of my friends and my family.  With the kids in tow.  They are extremely blessed too, by the way. SO. much love surrounding them.

I watched as their “Mother Bear” (Tim’s mom) set out eggs for them to hunt time and time again on a chilly afternoon.

I watched them play with their good friends, whose parents (and our GREAT friends) “house” us every time we come to Arlington.  With no questions asked, we are welcome.

I watched as the kids played with another good friend’s children at Mickey D’s, while she and I visited together for the first time in a while.

I watched as my mother hugged and kissed them upon our arrival at my parents’ home (the one I grew up in)  in Austin and my Daddy bonded with K over the table where I ate many a meal as a child myself.

I watched as they decorated cupcakes and ran and walked the neighborhood with their beloved cousins.

And all the while I was also able to see some of my good friends back in Texas, on my birthday.  And enjoy a delicious birthday cupcake from my friend who bakes them daily, herself (thanks, Claudia!).

And I got to see and even meet some blogging friends for the first time, in Austin a couple of nights later.

Plus, I had the honor to do the super fun engagement photographs for my niece and her man!

And on the last day, we celebrated the Risen Lord and my family was there. Together.


They are ALL around me…

What blessings are in YOUR life?

I hope they are too many to count…


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