I presume in a few months that my blog posts may become a little girly-centric for a while so I thought I would give the boys their fair share of “air time” before their sister arrives. And well, they are really fun and cute right now, so there’s that.
The B Man
This child talks like a 35-year old. But then he pretty much always has. Two of his favorite phrases right now are “Oh for Goodness Sakes” and “Fiddlesticks.” But he will also bust out with these long sentences and conversations about things like volcanoes and other subjects that I learned about and then forgot about a little later. I think I may have to go back to school to keep up with him. Oh and he’s a little bossy these days too, constantly telling Little G what to do like “Now each your lunch Gav…”
He’s REALLY good at Wii bowling. We got the thing a few weeks ago and his high score is like 255. I’m lucky to break 100. I think it knows he’s a kid. He got 8 strikes in a row the other day. Of course when he does have a “bad” game, (you know, 180 or so…) and perhaps someone else does beat him (Daddy), it’s NOT pretty. I believe someone passed on their competitive gene (uh, Daddy again…)
He’s pretty jazzed about moving. He even let us get rid of his train table over the weekend and helped us carry part of it out to my friend’s car. That’s quite grown-up like if you ask me. Then the other day we were pretending to talk to each other on the phone and he regurgitated all this stuff that I have said in the last week or so about us moving, to my Mom friends and others. Quotes such as “It’s a nice, smaller town…” or “All the rooms in the house we are renting are HUGE!” Apparently the kid listens after all. Guess I better watch what I say…
He pretty much dresses himself these days with very little guidance from me. I just have to tell him what’s on the agenda for the day and the goes and picks something. Thankfully if it’s a “church day” he chooses something nicer. And now that school is out he chooses play clothes every other day of the week. Of course accessories do make the outfit and he seems to be a true believer in that theory. Here was his favorite get-up over the weekend…. It’s REALLY too bad you can’t see the truck slippers better. Such a shame.
The two-year old is definitely two. His current favorite phrases are “I ski-erd!” (translation: I’m scared) “My turn!” “That’s mine!” “Sawee!” (sorry) “My Stickers!!” (as in, don’t touch them, they’re MINE!). He’s VERY territorial these days and will fight tooth and nail (literally, he’s bit B a few times) for toys or other things that he feels strongly belong to him.
As far as the talking goes he’s kind of a little parrot right now. If we say a word he’s bound to try it and B loves playing this game with him. And big brother gets SO excited when he teaches him a new word. He just thinks that’s “the bees knees!” And the way G says his brother’s name is so cute. He will yell across the house – “BENNA!!!!”
Oh and this kid has the cutest run on the planet. I know y’all haven’t seen it but trust me, I’m right.
Right now he’s ALL about playing with his mega blocks, cars and stickers. Tim’s mom got him a Winnie the Pooh sticker book for his birthday and he just loves it! The kiddo is a little sticker obsessed. But I guess there are worst things. And at least they don’t make noise!
He MUST have a kiss from everyone else in the house before he goes down for a nap or to sleep at night. It’s absolutely the sweetest thing. And he has to put his “meow meows” in his crib and then I put the THREE blankets in there. And then in the morning he wakes up talking about whatever left the biggest impression on him the day before whether it be Daddy filling up the kiddie pool or his Uncle Keith.
Here are a couple of shots of him working with his beloved stickers. Oh and notice his new hair cut too!
So there’s some stuff about my boys lately. I know I may be repeating myself from some of the things I said around their birthdays, but I really don’t want to forget…
Oh and P.S. I’m going to host PAST POST PARADE again tomorrow so look through your old posts and come participate! (pretty please?!)
You really have some handsome fellows there. They both have such interesting and unique qualities and it shows they have such good parents.
Your kids are so cute and I love the differences between the both of them. Your little princess is going to have them totally wrapped around her sweet finger.
Such cutie patooties!
i love that you are already preparing for the lack of blog attention the boys will be getting when the princess arrives
you are a wise mama!
Ben let you get rid of his beloved train table?!?! Wow, I am in shock over that. What a mature little man. Darn cute too, just like his little brother!
Look at those handsome boys. And 255? That’s crazy!
Ben sounds so much like Jack at that age…and now I just ask him if I need to know something about space or dinosaurs, he’s an expert and his memory is amazing
At age 8 he’s already surpassed me!
These posts are so great, I really need to do some on my boys. Their b-days are coming, I need to document them at this age!
boys are just rad… it will be interesting to see how the family dynamic changes with baby sis.
They are both so cute, and this was a great post! 2 boys and now a girl on the way? Talk about perfection, huh?
I haven’t been around in a while (pregnancy and moving are time consuming as you know!) but I am SO SO excited you are having a girl! And B and G are getting so big