We are back from Texas.

From one home to another we traveled all week last week.

I started out where I grew up.  And landed where I got married and had 2 out of 3 of my babies.

Tim and I even spent a night in the hotel where we sat and talked for hours once (in the lobby, just to clarify. ahem.) getting to know each other better at the very beginning of our relationship.

And now we have come full circle and are here, back in Louisiana.

And today is Tim’s birthday.  He’s 38 years young today.  I’ve been with him for almost 17 of those.


We celebrated another friend’s 40th birthday over the weekend, while still in Texas.  He’s the first of our really close friends to hit the 40’s but it’s all good because all last week he had people telling him he looks 30-ish. Or so he said… 😉

July is a BUSY birthday month for us in general.

My niece just turned 21 last Thursday.

Tim’s Grandmother will be 95  in a little over a week.

My nephew will be 12 in a few days.

I also had 2 friends with birthdays on Friday the 13th this year.

So many Happy Birthdays…

Tim’s favorite cake is strawberry so the kids and I will bake him one because we love him that much.

HAPPY  BIRTHDAY to my main man, the man I love the mostest and forever.

You have my heart my love… sorry your birthday is on a Monday but I promise the kids and I will make it special. XOXO

Is there a super busy birthday month among your family and friends?

It’s Miss Elaine-ous Monday!  C’mon and link up – it’s so easy!

ANY “miss elaine-ous” post will do, something from your archives or something brand new! 🙂
Do you have a post that meant a lot to you but wasn’t read by as many folks as you’d hoped? Or one that has great pictures and you want more people to see them? Or do you just have one that you really want to share!?

I’ll also choose a random post from those who link up to feature on The Miss Elaine-ous Life Facebook page (please “Like” if you have not already) so even more folks will see a new post every week! Grab the button and link up!  And please visit some of the other linkers as well…

If you do not post the button, please still link back to my blog, even if you just put a little blurb at the end of you post such as “It’s Monday and I’m being “Miss Elaine-ous” over at The Miss Elaine-ous Life!” – Thanks!! Oh and extra bonus points to anyone who puts a tweet out there, that would be awesome too!

Thanks for linking up!

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