And then there are my shoes. I wore
these. I saw them at DSW the other day and just HAD to have them (still doing my part for the economy). You’ll see my dress in some of the pictures below and let’s just say I went out on a little bit of a fashion limb. But it felt good and well, my twitter friends (especially
@iHeartStilettos) said it was okay! So I did it, and I’m so glad. : )
There were almost 30 of us at dinner. A few didn’t show and we had another blogger join us who had just heard about the dinner that day from a friend of hers that lives in Austin. WOW!
Unfortunately we didn’t sit down until almost an hour after our reservation (which sort of stressed me out) but everyone had a great time mingling in the lobby and then we got free appetizers out of the deal, so it worked out fine. We were separated into two different sections but it would’ve been hard to talk to everyone even if we’d all been together. There we SO many of us! YAY!
My sweet friend Leslie of
Stethoscopes and Stilettos (also one of my roomies at BlogHer – wahoo!) made gorgeous and individually unique place cards for everyone. Isn’t mine darling? Thanks SO MUCH Leslie!

I had the privilege of sitting next to Jill, and Em was on the other side of her. And across from me were Nicole and Jay.

In this picture, from left to right: Kristin, Em, Jill, Me
Here’s our whole section…

It was a really long table, but I’ll start with the left side, go down and then back up the right side. You follow?

And in this group – Colleen, Laurie, Jean, (don’t mind the guy behind her, it was just a friend of… ) Eddie’s : ) (Ed starts the right side), then Bianca, Jes and Jenny.
Here I am with my co-host with most, Holly and also Martha of Life of Preston. Holly, Shauna and Bianca started up which sponsored someone’s dinner and Jes (of was the lucky winner.