There is SO much to say about Saturday night that I’m not sure where to start. I guess I should start by saying I had a GREAT time!
And then there are my shoes. I wore these. I saw them at DSW the other day and just HAD to have them (still doing my part for the economy). You’ll see my dress in some of the pictures below and let’s just say I went out on a little bit of a fashion limb. But it felt good and well, my twitter friends (especially @iHeartStilettos) said it was okay! So I did it, and I’m so glad. : )
There were almost 30 of us at dinner. A few didn’t show and we had another blogger join us who had just heard about the dinner that day from a friend of hers that lives in Austin. WOW!
Unfortunately we didn’t sit down until almost an hour after our reservation (which sort of stressed me out) but everyone had a great time mingling in the lobby and then we got free appetizers out of the deal, so it worked out fine. We were separated into two different sections but it would’ve been hard to talk to everyone even if we’d all been together. There we SO many of us! YAY!
My sweet friend Leslie of Stethoscopes and Stilettos (also one of my roomies at BlogHer – wahoo!) made gorgeous and individually unique place cards for everyone. Isn’t mine darling? Thanks SO MUCH Leslie!
I had the privilege of sitting next to Jill, and Em was on the other side of her. And across from me were Nicole and Jay.
In this picture, from left to right: Kristin, Em, Jill, Me
Here’s our whole section…
It was a really long table, but I’ll start with the left side, go down and then back up the right side. You follow?
In the other section here are two more pictures of the attendees:
Here we have (left row first) Dorsey, Natalie, Christina, Lisa, (and right side) Mama Mia (I found her!) and Ally.
And in this group – Colleen, Laurie, Jean, (don’t mind the guy behind her, it was just a friend of… ) Eddie’s : ) (Ed starts the right side), then Bianca, Jes and Jenny.
I think I missed a few people in the pictures including Texan Mama and The Stiletto Mom.
Here I am with my co-host with most, Holly and also Martha of Life of Preston. Holly, Shauna and Bianca started up which sponsored someone’s dinner and Jes (of was the lucky winner.

I sponsored someone as well (heehee) with a gift card to Starbucks and the winner was Texan Mama from Who Put me In Charge of These People!
And lastly, here’s Kami, our Canadian visitor and one of my bloggy BFFs (see Martha giving her bunny ears?) Kams sat very nicely and quietly at the table all night, with her two drinks in hand…
Here’s Leslie toasting to Kami…

And here’s me wishing I could toast to her, but just drinking my boring glass of water instead…

This face in no way reflects what kind of time I had though because I enjoyed myself immensely and was so happy at the turn out and to meet so many bloggers in real life was just wonderful! It makes me even more excited to go to BlogHer this summer and to do dinners like this again and again. Thanks to Holly for helping me and to everyone for coming!
Now I have to move on to planning the next big event around here. The B Man’s 5th birthday party, which is only ONE month from today. Any tips on a “mouse” themed party are much appreciated (and I DON’T mean Mickey…)
p.s. If you’ve done your own re-cap of the dinner you can link up at June Cleaver Nirvana!
You did great! I am so impressed you got all but one name. I am so jealous and apparently much older or drunker than you. I remembered my name and that was about it.
Thanks so much for all the hard work. It was a HUGE success.
How fun!!!
Great job on the names too. Seriously impressed by that!
Glad that you had such a fabulous time!
One of these days, it would be so fun to meet other bloggers. One of these days….
You did a phenomenal job!!! I had sooo much fun! And glad I could be there to catch you before you learned the lesson of “baby steps” in there. tee hee hee
Can’t wait until next time!! And I SO wish I could go to Blogher! Wahhh! Ah well, I’ll get ’em next time for sure!
Oh man that looks like so much fun!!! Why can’t I find cool blogers like that in the DC area?
That was such a fantastic night! Way to go on remembering all those names!
Wow-that looks like such a fun time!! I wish I could have been there! sniff sniff
hurray for color Elanie… you look awesome. so glad you guys all had the chance to meet up. cant wait to meet you in chicago!
sooo fun friend!
it’s like your own mini-blogher
Thank you, thank you, thank you Elaine for putting this together – it was a blast!!
I hate that I missed the whole other table (except for Lisa and Bianca) – howdy gals (and guys). Hopefully, next time! Em
Wow what an incredible turn out! I am sure heads were spinning at Grand Lux (sad that I could figure that out based on the fixtures!).
About B’s b-day, has he heard of Mighty Mouse? A super hero mouse might be easy to plan around, as opposed to a generic mouse theme.
Thanks so much for all you did! It was an awesome night. You did much better getting names AND pictures than I did!
When is the next one…after the mouse party? hahaha
Thank you, thank you, thank you, for all your hard work and bitchiness with the manager….I am soooo proud of you!!! hee hee
It was a blast, can’t wait to do it again!
That Kami, what a souse!!!
Thanks for making me part of it Leslie and Elaine, but I still really wish I had been there in person
Someday will be toasting each other, in the flesh!
I’m superimpressed that you were able to remember so many names! WOW! And those shoes? ADORABLE! LOVE!!!
I’m glad you had a great time at your meetup. It looks like it was a huge success and no doubt alot of work and planning when into it. Congrats on pulling it off, Elaine! You are an organizing BABE!!
How fun! Leslie’s place cards are wicked cut, and a great idea. Kams looks like she had a blast too.
I had so much fun! Thanks again for inviting me. You, your outfit (and shoes!) were adorable, and I am very impressed with your mad hostessing skills. You dealt with any stress wonderfully, and made us all (even the shy ones)feel very welcome and included. Can’t wait until the next one!
Glad the dinner went well! You look awesome!
Let me know if you need place cards or hand made favor containers for the B Man’s party…I would love to contribute in some way!
This looks so fun!
Looks like a fantastic get-together!
I love that you brought a photo of Kami
Bloggy meetups are always so much fun. I need to attend one soon! Awesome pictures and congrats on remembering all the names.
Love the pictures! What a lucky bunch of bloggers!
Woohoo! It was an awesome night, and you did an AWESOME job putting it all together! I can’t believe you remembered everyone’s names. Were you a party planner in a past life???
Oh, and your shoes? totally adorable.
As I told Leslie…looks like lots of fun and so wish I could go to something like that. Maybe at BlogHer!
I’m there next time. It looks well worth the 3 hr drive. I’m glad you all had such a great time!
sounds like you had a blast. Gets me thinking that maybe I should organize something like this here in NC!!!
First order of business…….the place cards and your dress are so cute……what a fun dinner you organized!
Oh, that looks like so much fun! I’m so jealous of the get together and the BlogHer stuff! I need a sponsor and a sitter to be able to go!
great job on all of the names! the dinner was fabulous! thanks for all of the work you did to organize us!
Looks like a great night! Glad you enjoyed it!
Glad that dinner went well! I am still uber jealous I don’t live near you all!
Looks like a blast!!
Looks like you guys had a great time.
Sounds like so much fun!!
I’m glad it went so well E.
What a great time! I am envious that so many of you wonderful bloggers got to meet!
LOVE the dress! You look great!
And love Leslie’s name cards (you are going to have so much fun being roomies at BlogHer!).
I’m so glad you all had so much fun!