Do you ever wonder if one little moment or decision in your life could have changed your future? Your destiny?
I have thought about this before because Tim and I met on a weekend when it was a good possibility that only one of or us or neither of us could have been present in the place where we politely shook hands and I got my first look into his blue eyes.
I think about it with bigger things too, like what if I had decided to stay in the Austin-area for college or gone to a different school altogether. There are probably little moments that could have gone differently too. But those are the ones I think of the most.
Do I believe that everything happens for a reason and the way it is supposed to? Honestly, I’m not completely sure. Sometimes I think things happen just because they happen. Am I thankful that the decisions I’ve made so far (big or little) and the moments that could have been different but weren’t, culminated into the life I have now? Absolutely.
These thoughts always remind me of the movie Sliding Doors.
The main character’s destiny changes because of one TINY moment in the storyline. It wasn’t even a decision she made, it was more of an extremely slight adjustment to her path and it changed everything. Even her hairstyle. 😉
I like movies that make me think like this one did, and even still does. I watched it again the other day, thanks to my Netflix streaming. Right on my computer.
Gwyneth was so cute back then… and especially with a pixie cut.
This month Netflix is all about creating your own destiny.
I do think mine was somewhat solidified when I was dating this guy. And I had hair sorta like Gwyneth’s…
Here are some other great shows and movies you can find on Netflix…
For the leetle kids:
For the bigger kids:
For the adults:
Also, check out the latest original series from Netflix, Ever After High, which just started this month! These girls are creating their own destinies too…
I am a member of the Netflix #StreamTeam so I receive products/services for posting once a month. As always, all opinions are my own.
I was walking around our backyard tonight at dusk. I looked back at the house…
I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention. I regret it now. Hindsight and all that. …
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