Do you ever wonder if one little moment or decision in your life could have changed your future? Your destiny?
I have thought about this before because Tim and I met on a weekend when it was a good possibility that only one of or us or neither of us could have been present in the place where we politely shook hands and I got my first look into his blue eyes.
I think about it with bigger things too, like what if I had decided to stay in the Austin-area for college or gone to a different school altogether. There are probably little moments that could have gone differently too. But those are the ones I think of the most.
Do I believe that everything happens for a reason and the way it is supposed to? Honestly, I’m not completely sure. Sometimes I think things happen just because they happen. Am I thankful that the decisions I’ve made so far (big or little) and the moments that could have been different but weren’t, culminated into the life I have now? Absolutely.
These thoughts always remind me of the movie Sliding Doors.
The main character’s destiny changes because of one TINY moment in the storyline. It wasn’t even a decision she made, it was more of an extremely slight adjustment to her path and it changed everything. Even her hairstyle.
I like movies that make me think like this one did, and even still does. I watched it again the other day, thanks to my Netflix streaming. Right on my computer.
Gwyneth was so cute back then… and especially with a pixie cut.
This month Netflix is all about creating your own destiny.
I do think mine was somewhat solidified when I was dating this guy. And I had hair sorta like Gwyneth’s…
Here are some other great shows and movies you can find on Netflix…
For the leetle kids:
For the bigger kids:
For the adults:
Also, check out the latest original series from Netflix, Ever After High, which just started this month! These girls are creating their own destinies too…
I am a member of the Netflix #StreamTeam so I receive products/services for posting once a month. As always, all opinions are my own.
I love this movie. It is one of my all time favs. It was done so well. And I love that it shows how fate plays a roll and so do the decisions we make. I think life is made up of both. And I love that she basically ends up in about the same place by the end of the movie, just different experiences to get there.

I think about that with Todd and I too. We grew up in the same city, went to the same churches, school, parks, etc., and never met. Then we met an hour and a half away from our hometown when he was living in New York and I was living in Milwaukee. And we still didn’t get together. It took three more chance encounters after that to become friends. Bizarre how it all works out. Fate, timing, decisions we make, all play a factor I think. It is like another favorite movie (Forrest Gump) when he says he doesn’t know if his mama is right, that we all have a destiny, or if we are all floating around on a breeze like a feather, but he thinks it is kinda both. I think so too.
Kat recently posted…Focus
I used to love that ovine when I was in college. I don’t even want to think about what would be different if I had made other choices…things could be totally different. It reminds me of another movie moment, from The Family Man. You start thinking about all the what ifs, and then suddenly you’ve wiped out the things you’re most sure about. I wonder if that’s on Netflix?
Leslie recently posted…{Update} 10 Things that Need Fixing
Confession: I don’t think I ever saw that movie. But I know that every decision, big or small, contributed to my life being the way it is right now. I don’t think that everything is fate or happens for a reason, but I do think we have the power to change our path at any time
Kerstin Auer recently posted…Planning Ahead and Living in the Moment
That’s one of my favorite movies! I haven’t seen it in ages, though.
I think that a lot. I was once in love with two men, which seems so… something that would happen on The CW or Dawson’s Creek, but it was legit! I was in a very steady relationship and my ex came back into my life, two years after breaking my heart.
I thought I had moved on but just his one phone call sent my whole life spinning.
It led to a lot of “What if” thoughts about my life.
Tamara recently posted…How To Unfold Your Love.
I have seen that movie probably 20 times! I love it and maybe I’m a little obsessed with this idea of fate or chance and how things are vs. how things might have been, etc.
Nina recently posted…Do Listen Read: Mid Februrary
I do think about a parallel life often and Sliding Doors is the movie that comes to mind! (thinking about it now makes me want to watch it again)
Alison recently posted…Mom Babble
I’ve never seen this movie. Going to have to convince the hubs to watch it on Netflixs with me.
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