Here are a few pictures from the past week, inlcuding the holiday. We did go to fireworks the evening of the 3rd but I forgot my camera (darn!) We also went to the city parade on the morning of the 4th. I had my camera, minus the memory card. Not good. I did get a few shots at our friends’ house that afternoon while we ate burgers and hot dogs and the kids played in the pool. So, here are some of my other favorites of the week.
Little G “reading”

The boys watching

Little G is ALL about any type of ball these days and can usually be seen carrying, kicking or throwing one (or two) somewhere at any given time.

Here’s what my back gate looks like right now.

It doesn’t look like The B Man should be protesting swim lessons, does it?

Little G eating his first “yummy” Cheetos. It’s my Best Shot.

Unfortunately Tim and I have traded off being sick the rest of the weekend. I was down on Saturday and he was out pretty much all day Sunday (minus a little time where he let me sleep). He seems to have had it worse than me though with a high fever. I just had body aches and some flu-like symptoms (as did he). At least we were able to enjoy the holiday.

But, I have not been out of the house for 2 days and that tends to make me a little stir crazy. We have been subsisting on crackers, soup and toast. Sounds delicious, right? Thankfully the boys haven’t gotten it.

Ok, enough whining. The B Man starts swim lessons tonight, Tim’s out of town a few days this week and I hope to have a real meal today! : ) Happy Monday!

Melody is hosting BSM over at her place, Slurping Life. Head on over for more yummy shots!


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