Categories: CompassionFamilyLife

The BEST Mail

I usually get the mail during the day. Lately The B Man likes to run out ahead of me and check for “catalogs” (which to him means ads for toys). Today we checked the box twice to no avail. By the time I thought of it again it was cooler and dark out and I figured Tim could just get it when he got home. He never gets the mail. Therefore, we rarely open it together.

But tonight we did and I am SO very glad. We were excited to open our letter from Compassion and even more so to find a full letter and three pictures or our friend Casbert who lives in Uganda.

I teared up when I saw him and learned of all the things he was able to buy with the money we sent him for his birthday, back in July. This includes the clothes he’s wearing, the sheep he’s next to, socks and food.

I’m not sure if I can fully express what it means to me that we are able to help him and his family. And I don’t think I can even begin to tell you how grateful I am to have him in our lives. It’s certainly what they call a “win win” of the most wonderful kind.

I can tell you however, that it puts things in perspective for me in a MAJOR way.

I’ve been making grocery lists for a week now for our Thanksgiving meal and contemplating ALL this food of which I plan to partake. Part of me feels guilty, part of me feels blessed. Part of me wishes I could do even more. And, we do have SO much more to be thankful for. I know it sounds cliche but it’s true.

Our home.

Our clothing.

Our easy access to SO many things.

Our health.

Each other.

Clean water.

Obviously I could go on forever.

As we sit around the table on Thursday I do plan to enjoy the food and drink we’ve been blessed with but I will stop to think of Casbert and his family. I will pause to pray that we can continue to do our little part to enrich their lives.

If you can help even one child with $30 a month please visit Compassion’s website and make the committement. It’s the least we can do…


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