Ben’s Birthday Celebration

This blog entry is dedicated to Ben’s Aunt Kelley, Uncle Larry and cousins Catherine, Grace and Daniel (for although Daniel doesn’t know it yet) this family has fostered Ben’s love for Thomas since he was very little and his love continues to grow…

This year for Ben’s birthday we decided to take a couple of his friends, Ethan and Sydney, and their parents to ride Thomas the Tank Engine at the Grapevine historic railroad. It just so happens that Thomas comes to town right around Ben’s special day. But, we couldn’t leave the house before we had some lunch and cupcakes. Here’s a shot of the cupcakes we made. Tim and Ben made the batter (can you tell that they are green, underneath the icing – Ben’s favorite color) and I did the decorating.

I found this idea in a magazine and just couldn’t resist it. I found the candy blocks at Central Market (love that place) and the other parts are twizzlers for the track and M & Ms for the wheels. I thought they turned out really cute – tedious, but cute! Anyway, here’s Ben waiting to blow out the candles on his cupcake!

After we ate we loaded the kids in the car and drove up to Grapevine for our big adventure! We got a picture of Daddies and kids in front an engine that was near the tracks.

It was a beautiful day and thank God the rain ended the night before – we couldn’t have asked for nicer weather.

Here we are with our birthday boy, waiting to board the train. And now, you can see what Ben did for half of the ride!

That’s okay though because he still claimed to have fun and got his second wind after we got off of the train. After that he went in the bounce house, got a Percy “tatoo” and went looking for Mavis (another train from the Thomas series that he thought he saw!) I got a cute shot of Sydney looking out the window on the train and one of Ethan too. Although he doesn’t look that happy I can atest to the fact that he did have fun!

And lastly here’s the famous Thomas and Ben and Tim “toasting” him with one of Ben’s favorite toys, his “baby Thomas!” We had a nice time (although sunglasses and sunscreen could have been good additions to our trip) and Ben saying “all aboard” was probably my favorite scene of the day. Happy 3rd birthday boy boy!!


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