Ben’s Self Portrait


This is Ben.

Today he is ten.

Yesterday he was nine.

And that was just fine.

But now he is older by a bit

And at the adult table he likes to sit.

He tells funny jokes once and while

And leaves his clothes in his room, on the floor, in a pile.

He sleeps on the top bunk

But he is not a punk.

He would eat Five Guys burgers every day

But his mother (me) says “No way!”

Legos are absolutely still his fave

About them he continues to rave

He loves his hamster to the moon and back

and feeding her treats, on that he does not slack.

He has started a karate class

and he could probably kick my A$$

(i know, family-friendly poem, sorry)

He’s loves to write and draw

and because of this I say “awww”

Fart jokes are hilarious to him


Go Ahead! Fill his chocolate milk cup to the brim!

He now likes Star Wars movies, oh yes

And he hides candy wrappers under the couch cushions.

Oh wait, that doesn’t rhyme.  This is hard.

Then End


Yes, that’s right, my “Benja Wenja” is Ten tonight!

(well actually by this afternoon since he was born at 1:32 p.m.)



p.s. the “middle school” girls at his school already like him.  I’m in so much trouble…

(mostly just for typing that. LOL.)


I love YOU to the moon and back, Benjamin.  You light up my world with those blue eyes and that mega-watt smile and you hold my Momma heart forever and ever and ever. I am so, SO glad God gave you to me a decade ago. Love, “Mom”



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