I have been listening to the Christian station while tooling around in the van quite a bit lately and I started to wonder why I was suddenly drawn to this music…
Well, the battery went out in my van a few weeks ago and Tim quickly installed a new one while at a gas station (where my van “died”, thankfully) while my friend and I had all of our SIX kids in there, on the way to the zoo. And, while the mean gas station worker lady yelled at us for blocking her gas pumps. Yes, I am trying to make this long story short. Sorry if that’s not working out so well. Also, NEVER filling up at that gas station again. RUDE.
Anyway… after he put the new battery in all my radio station pre-sets were gone so I had to re-do them. I decided it would be smart to do them in number order by station and so I started in the low 90.whatever on the good ole FM “dial”. I’m old school like that. While scanning I found the Christian station and decided to make it my first pre-set. It was not on my pre-set stations at all before the dead battery.
I listened to a few songs on there the first day and then quickly changed back to my local, pop, most-recent songs played over and over and OVER station.
But lately I have been hitting the pre-set for KLOVE more and just letting it play. The words soothe me and lately some major stress has crept back into my life and I just want to be able to let that go, even while driving my kids to everything on the planet or just in our small city.
I consider myself a somewhat spiritual and faithful person. I was raised Catholic and continue to practice. Although there are some beliefs within the church that I do not completely go along with, I still believe that it is the religion for me. I know and believe God loves me no matter what choices I’ve made. I also know that I am forgiven. Not to say I should continue to do things to be forgiven for, but no one is perfect. Thankfully God knows that.
Lately I’ve been praying a little harder and asking for God’s help more.
I want to be free of certain things that are holding me back from living the life I deserve to live and that I WANT to live.
Below are the lyrics to one of the songs I heard on the station recently.
I tend to be busier than I should be
I tend to think that time is going to wait for me
Sometimes I forget and take for granted
That it’s a beautiful life we live
I don’t want to miss the moments like this
This is a beautiful life You give
You’re the reason for every good thing, every heartbeat
Every day we get to breathe
You’re the reason for anything that lasts, every second chance
Every laugh
Life is so sweet
You’re the reason for every good thing
There will be days that give me more than I can take
But I know that You always make beauty from my heartache
Don’t want to forget or take for granted
That it’s a beautiful life we live
I’m not going to miss the moments like this
This is a beautiful life You give
It’s our family, it’s our friends
It’s the feeling that I get when I see my children smile
You’re the reason for this life, everything we love
It’s You alive in us
You’re alive in us
You are here in every moment, and I know that You’re every good thing
You are here in every moment, and I know that You’re the reason for
You are every good thing
-The Afters, “Every Good Thing”
Music has always played a big part in my life through my love for it and through my singing. So it makes total sense that this is how I would find myself closer to God.
The words in the song above are very fitting for my life right now.
The words in many of the songs they play are fitting in my life right now.
Also, I can let me kids hear songs with words like “I wanna die young” or I can hope that they hear these songs instead and that somehow, by osmosis or just by hearing them repeatedly, they will feel God’s love through the words as well.
I’m not a preachy person. I have my own, private relationship with God. I am not the best Catholic. I am a good sinner. I try to live my life with compassion and love for others and give a good example to my children on how to live their lives, now and once they are out on their own someday.
We try to remember to pray over our meals and at night before bed. And we do pretty well. But sometimes we are in too much of a hurry or just tired.
God knows that too. It does not mean he is out of our minds or hearts.
I think it means he led me to listen to the Christian station because he knows I could use encouragement anywhere I can find it, even when I am in a hurry to get to gymnastics class…
That smile gives me encouragement too!
I love how music can reach to the depths of our souls an make us feel things in such raw way. I also know that we have to be willing to listen when God speaks, so good for you for being open to the message.
Lisa @ The Golden Spoons recently posted…She Had Me At “Cookie!”
Music has always done that for me for sure! And yes, sometimes it’s hard to listen but lately I have had to open my ears and heart much more!
Love how that song has reached to you…and so glad you have a close relationship with God. We are all sinners and not perfect but acknowledging it is what makes us human. Thanks for sharing this with us!
Natalie recently posted…A Weekend Away
Thanks for reading and commenting, Natalie. I’m not so sure we are super close but I am trying to make us closer…
“A good sinner” = yes, that pretty much describes those of us who do try, who are imperfect and aware of it, and who wants to do good.

Alison recently posted…I Do Love You
I think most of us are pretty good sinners. Just my opinion of course.
I like this comment so much, Alison. Thank you.
I love this post Elaine
God so often speaks to me through music or things I read. My pastor always prayed “Speak to me in ways I can understand.” I believe music is definitely one of those ways.
And, thankfully, not everyone has to be preachy to make a difference. Your testimony speaks the loudest and will let others know who has your heart.
Breath deep and rest in Him.
“The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still.” Exodus 14:14
Debbie recently posted…What Are You Craving Today?
I love that verse, Debbie. Now if only I could be still!
Thank you… so much.
Love that we both wrote about song lyrics leading us to where we need to be. Amazing what a little quiet and some listening can do.
Jessica recently posted…Your heart
It truly IS amazing. And I love that we both did that too…
Yes to all of this. I was also raised Catholic and struggle these days with what that means and how to pair my beliefs with what I learned then and what I’ve learned since. But yes, Christian music has that calming effect on me too and you’re so right – so much better that my children here that than most of the pop radio stuff.
Tricia recently posted…In parallel
I think it’s really cool how we all have our own individual journeys and yes this music is much better that a lot of that other stuff. Not that I don’t like to still jam out to current pop music but not so sure my little kids need to hear that stuff…
This was stunning my friend. I love your beautiful spirit. xoxoxo
tracy@sellabitmum recently posted…The 20 Mile Marathon Training Run
thank you, my friend. Right back atcha!
What a great post. I, too, gain peace and encouragement by listening to this music. Actually got a speeding ticket recently when I was rocking out to Christian music and got a little heavy on the pedal! XO
anna whiston-donaldson recently posted…Easing In
Is it bad that I just laughed at that? Did you tell the cop that? LOL! Too funny!
And thank you!
You are very compassionate and loving, which I believe counts more than observing rituals. I’m glad you are able to get built up in the little moments of the day. Hugs!!
Lady Jennie recently posted…Happy People Everywhere!
Oh, you’re sweet my friend. Thank you.
Well I don’t even know what I am, and my family is mixed, but I do believe that music and art is totally..from God. How else to explain it?
This song is nice! It was left on for a reason!
And you’re a wonderful human being.
Tamara recently posted…Sometimes I Think Horrible Things About Myself.
I agree, totally from God!
And you’re a wonderful human being too. This must be why we found each other in this big, big world…
I go through spurts listening to Christian music, but it does soothe my soul. It just feels so… safe, somehow. Just as I feel when I know I’m living the life God intended me to live. Great post. xo
Andrea recently posted…The Dance
Thank you. And safe. Yes, definitely safe.
I have to admit I have never listened to Christian music, but I see no reason why it wouldn’t/couldn’t speak to me the same way other music does. It’s a powerful thing.
Lovely lyrics.
Tonya recently posted…Shooting Stars
It really is not “my thing” at all. Until now. I kinda used to make fun of my Mom for listening to it, can you believe that? Yeah, me neither…
Sometimes I turn on the Southern Gospel station on Pandora and listen to the music at work. For the same reasons. The words seem to absorb into me and remind me of the real truth.
Also I love that photo of Katie. Like super love it.
Jennifer recently posted…Happy Mama Moments – Superhero Mom
Tim said the same thing, about the photo.
And yes, “real truth” – that’s perfect.
What a beautiful post Elaine. I know exactly what you mean about sometimes needing something more, and it sounds like you have found it. That is definitely not an accident.-Ashley
thedoseofreality recently posted…Old Granny Is Still Dirty
I agree Ashley, no accident. And thank you!!
Those are beautiful lyrics. For me music is the ultimate stress relief whether it’s running to a good song or turning the radio up and singing in the car, music always soothes my soul.
Julia recently posted…If It Makes You Happy
Music is super powerful like that, right? SO awesome, so glad you know what I mean!
This song is so encouraging, and a reminder that we shouldn’t take things for granted. I love how music can do so much more than just be background noise–it can help us too!
I’m on the fence about music in my car– lately I’ve been listening to children’s songs (Fresh Beat Band) because now that my little girl is getting much older, I don’t want her to hear songs that are-in all honesty–not that great. Like you said, I don’t really want her to hear songs about dying young, or other “things.”
I would like her to be appreciative of this moment right now, but that requires me to do the same as well.
KalleyC recently posted…LTML-20: Walking Through Chinatown
I liked this particular song for that message too – stop and see what God has given you and don’t take it for granted. That’s so important. Sounds to me like you know too… thank you for your comment, Kalley!
I always knew we had SO MUCH in common. This is just another one.
This is how I explain it to people:
I don’t think there will ever be a religion that a person agrees with 100%. And I don’t necessarily think there should be. You should have your own opinions. I think there are so many religions because people are different and they connect with God in different ways. I am Catholic because it feels like home to me. It is where I feel closest to God (and I have gone to many other churches, religions, just to look around and check them out too). I do not agree with all of the Catholic teachings and that is okay. I think too many people and too many religions focus on the tiny details. Really all we should be focusing on is loving each other and making this world a better place while we are here. And it is a reason I REALLY love Pope Francis, his focus is exactly where it should be. Love each other, love God, and we can’t go wrong. That’s my take.
I love this post. Thank you, Elaine!

Kat recently posted…Phases
You’re right my friend, we ARE so similar. I agree with what you said about no perfect religion. And the new Pope is amazing. He gives me more faith in our chosen religion for sure. And yes, “Love One Another”. Jesus’ words right there.
Thank YOU for this awesome comment and your friendship.
We only listen to the Christian station with the kids in the car. They actually request it. And, it’s funny, all of a sudden the lyrics will stick out and I’ll have a “God moment!”
PS Is K riding without training wheels already? wow!
Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? recently posted…Tips for flying with 4 kids 7 and under
She is!!! I thought it was crazy too but she just took off a few weeks ago. She wanted to be as fast as her brothers!
And she’s really good at too. Good has good balance.