…on the laundry
….on the grocery shopping
…on the dishes
…on watering my plants
…on showering (yes, myself…)
…on reading blogs
…on MY sleep!
…on Christmas shopping (haven’t even started)
…on scrapbooking
…on creating a family Christmas card
…on talking to friends/family back ‘home’
Yep, I’m behind on a lot of things right now. You might say I’m just a tad overwhelmed. I’m actually ready for the Thanksgiving break next week since our friends will be here and will sort of ‘help’ with the kids, etc. (meaning more hands to hold the baby and other kids to play with our kids).
Of course we are NOT behind on love and hugs and smiles and the boys new favorite game is when I make the baby “talk” by moving her chin up and down (kinda like the baby on the Etrade ads). The B Man thinks it’s hilarious and well, I do too. And it kinda makes me forget how terribly BEHIND I am, so that’s good. I think.
So, what are you behind on? Can you think of just one thing to make me feel a tiny bit better about my ever lengthening to-do list? Pretty Please?
I was walking around our backyard tonight at dusk. I looked back at the house…
I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention. I regret it now. Hindsight and all that. …
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