If you don’t know the song then you may not “get” the title of this post. And if you REALLY do not know the song then you’ve been living under a rock. If that is the case, I’m sorry, that must have been dark and claustrophobic. But we’re so glad you’re back!!
(I know, I’m weird)
Anywho, I am Happy. Mostly. I look at my Instagram feed and I reazlize that I can really feel nothing less. First of all, I have three beautiful, healthy, awesome kids who even when they talk back – and talk back they do – fill me with Happy. Okay. That last part is kind of a lie. But at least I know they will have no issues with assertiveness in the future, right? So I guess that’s good for everyone but me and their father.
Also, I can take pictures of my kids and put them out on Instagram whenever I want and well, that makes me Happy too!
Last week was Spring Break around here and we had a pretty good time! We had a day at the zoo with friends and some time at the pool (yes Northerners, the pool is open here, c’mon down!), and even made an appearance at the local music and arts festival where the kids got ice creams as big as their heads.
As I scroll through the little square moments of our days, the Happy comes out in the smile on my face. This life has tough stuff and complications and moments of not so happy – I would be lying if I told you otherwise. I am pretty sure anyone would be if they said that. But it also has moments of amazing joy and fun and Happy and thankfully those outweigh and hopefully outlive the others.
And I believe in sharing the Happy with you and anyone who wants to feel that way too! 🙂
p.s. I even gave Angela a quote about Happiness – Check it out!
I was walking around our backyard tonight at dusk. I looked back at the house…
I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention. I regret it now. Hindsight and all that. …
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