Categories: Kidsreview

#AD Be a Hunger Hero with Tyson & Sam’s Club!

I am a member of the Collective Bias®  Social Fabric® Community.  This shop has been compensated as part of a social shopper insights study for Collective Bias and their client. 

    I recently decided that some evenings around here are going to be “easy” dinner nights (plus with school and all the extra activities starting it is kind of a “must” for this mother’s sanity).  Many times I labor in the kitchen for a while over a more “adult” meal and then once I place it in front of the kids they give it the stink eye and say, “This is what’s for dinner?!?”

    So, enter Tyson chicken nuggets!  They are always a hit.  And once I give the kiddos a veggie and some fruit to accompany them, “Hey kids, dinner” becomes really easy to say and everyone is happy with no stink eyes to be found!

    Plus, I feel great about purchasing Tyson nuggets at Sam’s Club since they are currently encouraging us all to become #HungerHeroes!  For every bag of nuggets you purchase Tyson Foods will donate a meal (up to 308,000 meals) through Champions for Kids to feed children across America who otherwise do not have food on their table.

    I have to be honest, if I knew my children were not going to have food to eat for even one meal (when they wanted it anyway), I would be devastated.  And I know there are parents all over this country that deal with that situation every day.  It breaks my heart to think of kids who have bellies rumbling much of the time.

    Take note that in 2001, 14.9% of households (17.9 million households) were food insecure (per  That is a really scary number.

    But YOU can make a difference!

    Sam’s Clubs across the country are hosting #HungerHero demos for two more weekends. Please visit your local store on any of these dates, 8/24 or 8/25 or 8/29, 8/30 or 8/31, from 11-2 and be a part of this amazing campaign to feed hungry children and families in our own 50 states.

    I should also mention that Veronica was extra nice at the demo we attended at our Sam’s Club last weekend.  She may or may not have let my kids feast on the nuggets with a smile on her face the entire time.  And we encouraged those around us to buy bags of nuggets too, and “proceed to feed” those in need.  🙂

    Go ahead, Be a hunger hero!  I promise, it feels really good.  And you don’t even have to wear a cape.  But you can if you want to…

    For more information on how to become a #HungerHero and this campaign please visit my Google + album from my shopping experience.  Remember every bag of nuggets purchased provides a meal for a child in hunger.



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