Baby K does have a small bruise to the right of her chin where she took a little tumble over the weekend…
However, what I’m really referring to is her hair…. notice anything different?
Yeah, Tim and I decided on Sunday night to trim her bangs so that hair would no longer be in her eyes all the time. I can’t decide if I like it or not. Mostly because this means she’s even more toddler-ish than before and I’m still a little bit in denial.
It sure is nice to be able to see those “baby blues” even better now… (I knew I married a man with awesome blue eyes for a reason…;-P)
Oh. Oh. Oh. She is SO cute!
I like the bangs– but I understand completely! Chloe’s hair is insane, but I refuse to cut it! I guess I’ll have to give in eventually.
It’s cute!! But that first haircut is always a rough step into toddlerhood
Oh, what a DOLL.
Such a cutie! I think you did a great job on her bangs. People keep suggesting we trim our daughter’s and we just say no thanks! LOL She was b-a-l-d when she was born, so the hair she has now is even more precious to us even if it does get in her eyes from time to time
So cute – Astrid is just jealous because your sweet girlie has HAIR. xo
Good job! There’s nothing wrong with her bangs, they look great. And yes, those baby-blues are heart-melting.
She looks adorable and those eyes are gorgeous!!
you are a brave momma to cut her bangs. If I did that, it would have come out lopsided! LOL! But she’s a gorgeous baby!
Aww! She looks adorable! And I love her little outfit!
We were just talking yesterday about the idea of bangs for my Caitlin. K looks so cute! That might be enough to sway me!
She might have toddler hair, but her body is still all baby. Yay!
Don’t worry, it’ll grow back! Super cute!
Oh, you did a great job. She’s growing up!
Neither of our girls have had haircuts..not because their hair isn’t in their eyes, but because I have no idea how crazy bangs would look with their curly mops.
I think she looks very cute. And while her hair may look like a toddler, she still has those baby hands. Just hold on to that.
Oh she’s so darn cute and LOVING her new “do” and her all-around chunkiness
So adorable! It’s funny how that first haircut makes them look so old in your eyes!
So adorable! It’s funny how that first haircut makes them look so old in your eyes!
The bangs only accent her CUTE baby face!
WW: Paleontologist Heaven at Paleopalooza
Oh my I just love her. Her bangs are sooo cute!! I am a bang lover
She looks so grown up!! And, adorable.
The bangs are adorable and it’s OK to be in denial.
I think it’s cute! I can’t wait until Arielle has enough hair to do something with! lol At this rate it will be when she’s 2!
She’s precious!
She is too cute. I also love blue eyes. It’s why I also married a blue eyed man.