Back To My Regularly Scheduled Program

Ok, so I think I’ve finally come down off the trip high. Cleaning up after kids and changing TONS of diapers (Little G is still having stomach issues off and on… sorry if that’s TMI…) will do that do a girl.

“back to life, back to reality…”

It’s all good though. And of course the break from wiping faces and bottoms was wonderful but being with my boys is pretty awesome too! : )

This weekend was packed with Halloween stuff and trying to organize our house a little. Since Tim travels so much lately the “house stuff” has kind of gone on the back burner. I cleaned out the laundry room (which is the “catch-all” room off the garage) and my desk, because I could barely see the surface. Now it’s just a matter of organizing the piles… I’ll get to it.

Tim worked on the garage (OH the garage! So much stuff) and even admitted that a garage sale might be in order. Now that’s something he NEVER says… we’ll see…

Anyway, as the title of this post says, life reusmes back to “normal” and all is right with the world! (yeah, I wish!)

So… I haven’t done a meme on here in a while and my awesome bloggy pal Kami at Kami’s Khlopchyk tagged me for this one so I thought I would go ahead and do it. I’ve actually done this one before but I have some new readers and I changed most of the answers so here goes! Oh and it came with this sweet award:

Thanks Kami, I love you and your blog too! Anyway, on to the meme…

Where is your cell phone? Not exactly sure…

Your significant other? Is “the bomb.” Loving, giving, wonderful father, smart, hard working, etc, etc.

Your hair? Is pretty good right now. I got a cool cut and color a couple of weeks ago

Your mother? … is a WONDERFUL cook!

Your father? … is extremely funny and wise!

Your favorite thing? Chocolate

Your dream last night? I don’t remember last night but the night before I dreamt about getting married… again… still to Tim… It was strange.

Your favorite drink? Non-alcoholic, sparkling water with lime Alcoholic, Bailey’s (ooh and it’s that time of year again!)

Your dream/goal? To travel to Europe

The room you are in? Our den

Your ex? A sweet guy. He lives somewhere in the same area as me and sometimes I wonder what he’s up to. Saw him and his family on Facebook recently. Weird.

Your fear? Tornadoes

Where do you want to be in six years? This place is good. Think I will stay here.

Where were you last night? Hangin’ out at home…

What are you not? Patient

Muffins? Yeah, banana nut ones…

One of your wish list items? For my boys to grow up healthy and happy.

Where you grew up? Austin, Texas

The last thing you did? Talked to an “old” friend on the phone

What are you wearing? Still wearing my running outfit (minus the socks and shoes)

Your TV? Scared me when we first bought it because it’s pretty big

Your pets? We had lots of dogs when I was a kid but no pets right now

Your computer? My Dell Inspiraon 1720 laptop (love you, kiss, kiss!)

Your life? Just as I’d always hoped.

Your mood? Quite good.

Missing someone? My parents

Your Car? 2005 CR-V – love it.

Something you are not wearing? Socks

Favorite store? Trader Joes now…

Your summer? That’s a long way off, I’ll let you know.

Like someone? I like lots of people, now “love” is another story… ; )

Your favorite color? Greens and reds

When was the last time you laughed? Earlier this morning at something my witty husband said…

Last time you cried? Hmmm….

Who will repost this? Not sure but have at it if you want to! (not tagging anyone today.)
Also, I joined NaBloPoMo and so I am committed to posting everyday this month. Will y’all read? I hope so and I REALLY hope I can come up with something for the entire month (although I pretty much post every day already except for Saturdays). Christy inspired me to do this so not only do I have to post every day but I have to go read hers every day too! : )

I leave you with a picture of the boys from a pumpkin “patch” last week (I use the term lightly…). Golly I love these guys…


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