Baby Love – Rockin’ the Baby

We went to church with our friends this morning, while here in Texas.
(Did I tell you the kids and I drove over for the week, without the Daddy part of our family? Yeah, we did…)
As we sat down I noticed the tiny newborn in the baby carrier in the pew in front of us.  She was so small and fresh from God. And RIGHT in front of me.
After one little squeak from her precious lips, her Daddy scooped up her delicate body in his hands, quietly whispering little “SHH”s as he put her soft head to his and snuggled her to his chest.
And in that moment I was so overcome with the desire to hold this stranger’s baby that I caught myself holding my breath.
It wasn’t a second later that my previous infant, now four years old, started whining and I wished to hold her even more.  To go back to those days when they were SO brand new, innocent and all that came out of them were tiny cries, squeaks and grunts.
Nothing compares to those first days of having a newborn.
Absolutely NOTHING.
I just wish it lasted longer, especially since it’s goes by REALLY fast with the third…
My father actually rocking my second baby.  He’s such a proud Grandpa in this photo.  I Melt.

Tim kissing our first baby when he was just days old.  Those are my knees and my slipper on the right-hand side, as I took the picture.  This baby boy originally made us a family. We became three…
And we were forever changed…
Join in the Rockin’ the Baby carnival at Things You Can’t Say…

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