You know there’s a saying that people are “in the Autumn of their lives”…
I think it means they are older and nearing the end of their life.
Well, it seems to me, as if we are “in the Autumn” of her babyhood”…
It’s as if she is a full on toddler already.
Thankfully she’s not saying “No” yet, so…
at least there’s that…
And this one, well, he’s got me wrapped around his little boy finger.
I’m not sure how he did it…
his precious face and cute voice get me every time.
I don’t want him to grow anymore…
Although, I could do without the whining.
But kinda wish he could walk around in his favorite jammies, outside, during the day, forever…
And on the subject of ACTUAL Autumn, apparently it’s skipping us this year. It was like 92 degrees here the last couple of days. Is the pool still open? Geez…
Wow! I’d take 92…it is only supposed to be 42 here in Indiana today!
Oh sweetness!! I saw a baby, not nearly as cute as Baby K mind you, on the tv last night, and I looked at Hubs and said please.
He said no.
I’m glad one of us aren’t ruled by our hormones
And hang on with the temps. It’s 50 here this morning. Brrrrr.
Dude, did you have to put that last comment in about the weather? That was just mean.
$%^#@$#@$%% winter in October.
Those pictures are fantastic, both of them are adorable!
So sweet. I love her shirt! I feel the same about my 5 yo boy, wish we could just keep him as is.
Your kiddos are so sweet! Enjoy those last precious moments of babyhood!
They are the cutest!! Love the shots
eesh. 92? I don’t know how you do it. I do love your photos, though. Especially the first one
too cute, although I have to admit I am a little jealous that you all are walking outside barefoot in short PJ’s and the heat is on in my house. But then I realize that its unbelievably hot there and I think it makes me appreciate 60 all that much more.
So cute! Loving the fall weather you are having..very mild.
<—— jealous!!!! … I want high temps and pool side smiles.
Great shots. And my boys have me wrapped around their fingers, too.
thankfully, they DO grow out of whining. thank goodness!!!
I love your daughter’s shirt – that is very sweet. And yes, I agree about the not wanting them to grow too quickly but at the same time wanting the whininess (um, is that a word?) to be over.
That was super creative for the Autumn theme. I love it!
And I know what you mean. I feel the very same way about Grace. :*(
Aw love the flower in her hair, and it doesnt look much like fall there…! I would trade you for your 92 degree weather – we had frost this morning and a high of 50. More like winter if you ask me! Happy fall to you :p
this is just adorable!
I’m with you — this hardly feels like fall to me!
Look at her go – she is on the move!!!
You know I am convinced there is something about that second little boy (especially when followed up by a sister). Jack has me around his little finger – he drives me insane, he knows exactly what buttons to push, and other than outgrowing the “NO” phase I would be thrilled if he stayed this size forever. Our baby boys will always be our baby boys right?!
She is a doll. That switch from baby to toddler is so fast that is kind of leaves you reeling.
Your kiddos are so cute!
Such cute photos! I sometimes stay in my pj’s all day too!
What a couple of cuties! Gotta love the jammies. I’d keep them on all day too.
so sweet!!! love the jammies <3