I broke my fibula, yes I did. And it hurt so damn bad. I missed the first step at the top of the stairs, in the dark and I fell. It really did all happen so fast: fall, knee twist, foot caught, land, pain. And the pain was like nothing I have ever felt before…
Life in Words
I often say “I could write a book about all the {insert randomly connected experiences here} over the years.” The funny thing is, in a way, I have written a book on this blog. It has taken many years to document a life which is pretty darn good, considering the ups and downs. A full…
Completely Honest
Last night I took the dog to the vet for his wellness checkup and vaccines. We waited almost an hour to go in because there was an emergency situation with another dog patient. I was completely honest with the very kind young lady behind the counter while asking her how much longer it would be….
Fat and Happy
I feel like I have posted this here before, probably several years ago. I would have to go back and look into my somewhat extensive archives. But here goes again anyway: I need to lose weight. Not necessarily so I look “good” or “better”, but because it would be beneficial to my overall health if I…
Right Now
*Swish, Swish*…. Excuse me while I brush the dust off of this thing……. I failed to write here yesterday, but I would like to try to blog every other day this month. You know, for good ole NaBloPoMo. Today I want to tell you about something really interesting. My Life. Ha ha ha… that’s what this space is…
Worth the Climb
When I got home from work yesterday I just wanted to crawl back into bed. Don’t worry, I am not upset or depressed. I just wanted to sleep. Why is it when someone says they want to crawl into bed, we sometimes assume they are downtrodden? If I read that first sentence from someone else,…
On the Side of Him
There’s a phrase Brandon uses, “on the side of me” or “on the side of you”, which I never really heard until I started dating him. Many times he has said to me, while talking on the phone, “I wish I was on the side of you right now.” Of course I knew what he…
A New Threshold
I bought a house. Let me repeat that. I BOUGHT A HOUSE!!! After renting for many years, turning the key and stepping over the threshold last night was like opening the best present ever! I see it as a gift to my children mostly… for their stability and future. I have longed for a home…
The Transformed Dragonfly
“Comfortably change flight patterns mid-air…” I recently discovered this phrase about the symbolic meaning of dragonflies. Apparently they can represent humans who can do the above. I am not sure how “comfortable” it was, but I can certainly relate to the other part of this statement, changing my (life’s) flight pattern mid-air. A few…
I’ll Sleep When I Am Dead
“Oh no,” I hear from the back of the van as the morning radio news plays, and the four of us approach the school campus. “I left my backpack.” These are not the words a single mom, who works full time, wants to hear one minute before dropping her kids off at school. A school…