I have TONS of stuff swirling around in my mind these days. Some of it has to do with the fact that it’s a new year and some of it is just because. Here is just one of the things…
Tonight The B Man and I were lying in his bed doing our normal routine of book, prayers then snuggle and he brought up Kindergarten and how he doesn’t want to go. Yes, this is the YEAR that he will start school.
I laid there with his head in the crook of my arm, stroking his hair, telling him not to worry about it now. But all the while all I could think about was how he will of course go but I don’t want him to either. And the reasons for that are multi-faceted. The main one being selfish – you know that part about how I have to get my bootie outta bed to get him there on time. Oh sweet sleep, how I’ll miss you so!
And then there’s the fact that he will be gone EVERY day of the week, most of the day. I mean hello!! I’m gonna miss my little guy! As I am sure his brother will too. Oh and then there’s the part about keeping up with all his school “stuff.” I am SO not looking forward to that. Lazy much?
I don’t know why we are thinking about this already considering it is eight plus months away but he will turn 5 in less than 3 months and to me, that means Kindergarten.
As he began to drift off, I started thinking about how I want to make this a great summer for him {and us}. I want to be able to appreciate every little wonderful moment of us ALL together, doing fun things and making sure he has no stress leading up to the big transition. But then again, I think I’ll just start now. Besides, that’s pretty much what I said I would do in my resolutions.
So yeah – 2009 begins the school years for our family. Not only am I somewhat befuddled by that fact but I am also just wondering how it got here SO very fast…
I know how you feel. YOU HAVE TO CROSS YOUR HEART HOPE TO DIE, POKE A NEEDLE IN YOUR EYE, PROMISE you will buy The Kissing Hand. You guys will love that book… if you don’t already have it.
He’s so cute. They grow up so fast.
Ask me. Mine will be 28 next month.
Oh, I’m totally wiping away my tears right now!
Awww Elaine! That so made me cry – I couldn’t help but think about my own babies going to school!
My oldest starts pre school this year, and I am already crying about it! It’s so unfair.
awww that is soo sweet!!
My mom and I were looking a pictures over christmas and we ran across the ones from my first day of kindergarten. They actually put me on my bus (all the while taking pictures) and followed the bus to my school (all the while taking pictures) and got me to my classroom (again with the picture taking)…I love looking back at those pictures..I so remember the cute plaid dress I was wearing.
Good luck with everything! And have a GREAT summer with them!
I am so relating to you right now. Adam is starting pre-school. Yes, he could have gone this year…but well… first, I didn’t want to pay the xtra $100 a month, for him to be “just 3” by the time school started, and I wasn’t ready to let him go! So, I’ve been researching schools and we are visiting some in the next month. Do you know they let preschoolers go to school FOUR days a week, for 4 hours?! Ah! It’s one of the better schools, too… BUT really???
I miss sleep, as well. OH sweet sleep.
Don’t remind me!!!! On the one hand, Sophie is READY for kindergarten- she’ll be one of the older ones as she turned 5 in October. BUT, we will miss her, especially Sam, who adores her every move. I’m not ready to be tied down to the school schedule. Oh well, what’s a mom to do? I am just going to lap up every moment this summer!
*wiping away years* It’s still a couple years away here, but I’m totally not ready to even think about it. These years with out babies go to fast, don’t they?
time flies… you’re smart to cherish each moment
It does fly by…my baby started Kindergarten this year and I held it together until I got to the parking lot and then I let the river flow. She loves it and talked about how much she missed her teacher over the break! It has been an interesting year transitioning to a childless house during the day. Enjoy them now but it is still great fun when they get bigger! All new adventures…
I feel the same way except it’s my BABY that is going to school.
Where the hell did the last 4 and half years go?
Your resolutions are bang on, I am copying!
Brace yourself–it only moves faster!! My daughter is in third grade, and tomorrow she will probably be in high school. Don’t you wish you could freeze them?
Thanks for visiting me over at Figs!
I know the feeling. My three year old has been at the local elemetary school for a year already. So when he starts kindergarten it will be easy. He stays at school all day anyways. Now my youngest. . well that’s another story. He’s my baby! I will miss him when he starts going to school too.
Starting school is such a bittersweet moment, I know from experience! But having said that, I know you will love seeing how much he learns and blossoms. It’s hard, and you will miss him, but it’s a special stage in his life with lots of excitement and wonderment too. (((Hugs))) because I know how you’re feeling right now! And I can’t believe Ethan will be in Year 3 this year! Time flies.
Speaking of time flying, my “baby” starts school in September. I definitely have mixed feelings about that!
I had a lot of anxiety about Princess starting school, but she has totally thrived. Of course I still have my normal mom concerns too. And I hate the morning routine. I am worried about how Buddy will do at school. He is smaller than a lot of kids his age, and he is very sweet and sensitive since he has two older sisters. Kids can be mean and I don’t want my son to be picked on. All we can do is offer it up though.
Ditto. All of it.
I’m trying not to think about it…but it’ll be here so soon!!
I, too, am already fearing August. :O
But man Elaine, those eyes just completely MELT MY BUTTER. What a cutie.
It is so hard when the first one goes to K. It will be OK–like you said, have a GREAT summer before!
Also, plan lots of little projects for when he goes like painting a room or planting a new garden. This will get you excited about the time too and will keep your mind busy while he is gone.
Time at home with young children really does pass quickly. However, your plan to make the most of your summer with your boys is a great one. What special things do you have in mind? A trip anywhere in particular? I ask because we currently do not have any plans for the summer and I could use a bit of inspiration.
Oh my. I know exactly how you feel. BJ started Pre-K this year and it’s all day, everyday. I went through a period of a few weeks when I freaked out because I missed him so much. And then after that wore off the realization of having to get up early, make lunches and drive so far every morning sunk in and then I really cried.
Okay, so I’m totally not making this easier for you, huh? SORRY!!!!
One bonus to having him in school: artwork. Made for you, by him. And you don’t have to help him do it. It will come home snuggly tucked into his backpack. Make sure you by some storage boxes now, because you won’t want to throw any of it away. I promise. It’s that good!!
And yes, like Threeboys1mommy said, the Kissing Hand is a MUST. We love it and it so helps with those hard transitions. GREAT BOOK!
I am so glad that we have a ways to go before school days are upon us! I am sure it will come all too soon!
Aww… I cried when my first two went, I hated them being away all day, I missed them. And it was emotionally hard on them too. My second became a nail biter in the first month or two of school. And when he went to kindy, I started spending my days volunteering at the school, teaching other people’s kids. The next year I just decided that I might as well start home educating, and I am so glad I did. They would be totally missing out on their younger siblings lives if they were gone all day, and I would be missing out on theirs:)
oh no. you are not allowed to help me stress about this any more than i already am!!! I can’t believe our babies will be in Kinder in August! agh. and yes, sweet sleep, i will miss you too!
Thanks for the reminder Elaine!
*sniff* *sniff*
My baby goes to Kindergarten too in the fall.
I am not sure how I will be.
When my first child went…I cried.
When my second child went…I couldn’t decide if I wanted to cry or celebrate.
When my last child goes…I may just throw a party!
Is that wrong?
Oh Elaine. I’m crying as I read this. I so could have written it word for word.
I just dropped my oldest off at kindergarten. He was upset because he wasn’t going to be helper today (he thought he was. he LOVES being helper).
So here I am giving him a pep talk, and all I can see in the rearview mirror is him trying to fight back the tears and be brave for me. All I wanted to do was turn the car around and go snuggle on the couch and tell him life isn’t fair sometimes, so let’s be together. I’m fighting the urge to go pull him out right now.
I’m not helping, am I?
Awww, it will go well… and I’m sure there will be tears (at least from you). But it will be a great experience I’m sure. I’m not there yet, so I guess I can’t say too much… but my daughter does love her school (daycare).
That photo is so cute!!!
We went through this in September, b/c in Ontario kids start kindergarten at age four. It was a much easier transition than I thought, and my little Thing 1 really thrives at school and loves it so much. That being said, he only goes to kindergarten for 1/2 day, so he’s not gone from home all that long. I know you guys will do well – BOTH of you
No worries.
Seems like mine started kindy last week. They’re halfway through 7th grade now. Don’t blink!
But, be careful. He will pick up on any of your hesitations and fears. I think we moms have a harder time with it than the kids do, at least once they actually start. Deep breath. It’s going to be okay.
Love that photo!
I have a year or two to wait, but am not looking forward to it either. I hate mornings of rushing and inevitably being late for school. Also, that is when I will be expected to go back to work full-time..not looking forward to that at all!
Oh my gosh, they have so much fun when they go off to kindergarten. Both of my girls did preschool. They both more sad about leaving preschool than scared about starting kindergarten.
Awww. I’m not looking forward to the day when my kid goes off to school, either.
BUT. I bet he will be scared before he goes but LOVE it when he gets there. I mean – kindergarten is GREAT. Trips to the fire station? Visits by a policeman? Kindergarted ROCKS!
Although from different places, but this perception is consistent, which is relatively rare point!
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