Today I am joining in with The Real Housewife of Caroline County and The Bold Fab Mom for #AskAwayFriday.  My question answering buddy is the gorgeous and talented Arnebya from What Now and Why.  She and Jennifer made me the cream in their Oreo for this photo at BlogHer last year. 🙂 Aren’t we cute?!


Okay, on with the questions… (p.s. go check out Arnebya’s post too because she is answering the same ones!)


If you could live anywhere but where you live now, where would it be?
I would live back in Texas, in a beautiful, big house, near a lake and about 45 minutes to an hour from any big city.  I NEVER thought I would speak like this (saying I would not want to be in the city, but it is true).
I could handle this view for forever…


What are three of your favorite books?


Grapes of Wrath – this book deeply affected me when I read it in high school. And the writing was just so brilliant.  I have been a fan of John Steinbeck’s ever since.


The Count of Monte Cristo – I read this book during  summer sometime in high school.  I would sunbathe in my parents’ backyard on one of those old plastic, striped, fold-out lawn chairs and get a few chapters in.  I just LOVED this story and how it all came full circle in the end.  The movie is actually pretty good too.


The Light Between Oceans – I just read this book a couple of months ago and it became a favorite right away.  It’s just SO good.  I mean, wow, what a story!


What is your favorite dessert?
This is tough because I like ALL kinds of desserts.  But really, the first thing that comes to mind is cheesecake.  I’m not big on the fruity kind but I like it when you combine chocolate cheesecake and regular.  I think that is the perfect dessert, with whipped cream on the side. 🙂  Of course I also love a Dipped Cone from Dairy Queen so…


Who would you call first if tragedy struck?
Pretty sure I would call my Mom first.  Depending on what said tragedy is she would make me feel better quickly and offer up prayers.


What is your dream job?  My dream job would be to travel the world and photograph it and the people in it for pay.  I mean how TOTALLY amazing would that be?!?  Seriously, anyone who does this?  I’m jealous!!



What is one dish you make really well? I make a mean spaghetti and meatballs!  Here is there recipe for the meatballs, that I always use.  I do use jarred sauce but the kids don’t care, they gobble it up!! (and so does the hubby)

Describe a typical day – Wake up and make kids’ school lunches, coffee (for the adults).  Feed children, eat breakfast made by husband.  Shove boys (all three of them) out the door to work and school.  Take K to school at 8:50 if it is a school day for her.  Go work out at the gym or running.  Run errands or clean kitchen, start laundry.  Work (facebook, twitter, blog, LTYM stuff) on computer for a bit.  Eat lunch, which could also just be considered a big snack.  Pick up kids from school.  Get snacks, some chill time at home.  Off to whichever after school activity is happening that day.  Come home and make dinner or eat what was earlier prepared in slow cooker.  Welcome Daddy back home.  Do homework, baths, book reading, etc.  Kids to bed, more time on computer, perhaps some quality time with the hubby.  Maybe watch a little t.v. (this is RARE).  Try to get to bed by 11.

Queen of the carpool… 😉 

What is your favorite movie and why?  ONE movie?  Oh gosh, I don’t think I can do that.  I will say ONE of my many favorites is Return to Me with Minnie Driver and David Duchovny.  The story is beautiful, sad and sweet all at the same time.  And even funny in parts.  Plus, Tim and I have a few lines we still say from it from time to time and it is so fun to share that between us. 🙂

Do you have a little-known skill? What is it?

Mmmm… thinking… I am really good at fast math, in my head.  It’s all about the rounding to 10’s, by the way…

What is the most embarrassing thing that happened to you in the past few years, publicly or privately?

I may have to go with a mis-text.  Let’s just say it was NOT meant for my friend, but rather, my husband… 😉  That is all I am going to say about that! ha!


This is so fun, y’all know I love question/answer stuff (hello Old School Blogging!)  Grab a blog friend and join up!


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