What is one dish you make really well? I make a mean spaghetti and meatballs! Here is there recipe for the meatballs, that I always use. I do use jarred sauce but the kids don’t care, they gobble it up!! (and so does the hubby)
Describe a typical day – Wake up and make kids’ school lunches, coffee (for the adults). Feed children, eat breakfast made by husband. Shove boys (all three of them) out the door to work and school. Take K to school at 8:50 if it is a school day for her. Go work out at the gym or running. Run errands or clean kitchen, start laundry. Work (facebook, twitter, blog, LTYM stuff) on computer for a bit. Eat lunch, which could also just be considered a big snack. Pick up kids from school. Get snacks, some chill time at home. Off to whichever after school activity is happening that day. Come home and make dinner or eat what was earlier prepared in slow cooker. Welcome Daddy back home. Do homework, baths, book reading, etc. Kids to bed, more time on computer, perhaps some quality time with the hubby. Maybe watch a little t.v. (this is RARE). Try to get to bed by 11.
Queen of the carpool…
What is your favorite movie and why? ONE movie? Oh gosh, I don’t think I can do that. I will say ONE of my many favorites is Return to Me with Minnie Driver and David Duchovny. The story is beautiful, sad and sweet all at the same time. And even funny in parts. Plus, Tim and I have a few lines we still say from it from time to time and it is so fun to share that between us.
Do you have a little-known skill? What is it?
Mmmm… thinking… I am really good at fast math, in my head. It’s all about the rounding to 10’s, by the way…
What is the most embarrassing thing that happened to you in the past few years, publicly or privately?
I may have to go with a mis-text. Let’s just say it was NOT meant for my friend, but rather, my husband… That is all I am going to say about that! ha!
This is so fun, y’all know I love question/answer stuff (hello Old School Blogging!) Grab a blog friend and join up!
I’m reading “The Light Between Oceans” right now! I honestly wanted something light after my last three downers. This isn’t light. I’m in it for good now, though.
Your mis-text story is cracking me up.
I have a horribly embarrassing story of that too.
Tamara recently posted…The Funny Words & Phrases That Have Had Me Laughing For Years!
Mis-texts – hah! I can just about imagine.

Your dream job sounds … well, dreamy. I’d love to do that too.
Alison recently posted…Through The Lens Thursday #9: Hands
It was Steinbeck s 112th birthday yesterday!
And I have a hilariously inappropriate story of a mis-text. It wasn’t me who did it, but I was there when it happened and I have never laughed so hard in my LIFE.
Katie Sluiter recently posted…Greta Asks Away!
I love DQ dipped cones, too! But the one here discontinued butterscotch. What were they thinking?
angela recently posted…Jennifer Asks Away
I’ve been looking for a good recipe for Italian style meatballs so I will be pinning that. That mis-text thing has happened to me. Not cool.
Jennifer recently posted…Ask Away Angela
We ARE cute. Technically only an Oreo if both ends are black and YOU KNOW I OWN MY SOLITARY BLACKNESS, ELAINE. Oh, the mistext. Consider DAUGHTER instead of husband. *drops mic and walks away harboring shame*
Arnebya recently posted…#AskAwayFriday 2
It is funny that you say Texas is where you’d love to live. My husband is trying to sell me on a move there. He’s sick and tired of winter in New England!
I adore dipped cones. I love to get chocolate ice cream dipped in cherry (which is usually a rare find).
NJ @ A Cookie Before Dinner recently posted…Ask Away Friday With The Dose Girls
I’m going to need to know more about that mis-texting incident.

Leigh Ann recently posted…let’s talk about sciatica
I think spaghetti and meatballs is my specialty too! That looks like a great recipe!
Meagan recently posted…My Five Step Plan to Surviving Toddlerhood
OMG. Return to Me. I’ve never seen it, but the poster brings back memories. My ex husband and I went to Hotel del Coronado on Coronado Island (San Diego) for our honeymoon – he was the one with money, not me! – and apparently they had just filmed some of that movie there! It was a long time ago…. a lifetime ago.
Nice to meet you! S.
Sarah (est. 1975) recently posted…#askawayfriday: a dish of daily life
I am always afraid of mis-texting someone – like so worried about it. Therefore, it is certain to happen to me one day. Ha!

Also, I love Return to Me – it is a sweet story. I have seen it quite a few times.
Kim@Co-Pilot Mom recently posted…The Traffic Whisperer
I am so thankful that in the midst of my constant multitasking, I’ve never mis-texted anyone! LOL! I’ll have to say that I HATE Grapes of Wrath, not because I felt that Steinbeck was a bad writer, more so that I felt like every time I picked up the book, I was licking dirt through his vivid description of the middle of nowhere!
April recently posted…Feature Friday {12} with @clairity2, @LFlexKitchen and @Poekitten
Mis-texts…I can only imagine. Was it a good friend at least?
Who wouldn’t love a job traveling around and photographing the world. That would be pretty cool. I love taking travel photos. But mostly I love putting it all together in a book with the stories!
Michelle recently posted…Pie for Dinner! 14 Recipes to Please Your Comfort Food Cravings
How wonderful getting to know you! Oh that would for sure be a dream job! Where do we sign up? LOL! Desserts, desserts, and more desserts! As I get older, seclusion sounds better and better. Hope you have a great week!
Stacey Gannett recently posted…This Momma’s Meandering Mondays 36!
Funny! Cool post. I am paranoid about mis-texts!
That dream job sounds heavenly by the way…
Cam | Bibs and Baubles recently posted…Lupita, Lupita, Lupita
I feel the need to read the Grapes of Wrath again. Although, the hubby doesn’t care for the ending.
Texas…making me a little homesick. Yes, a lake please…and since you mentioned it, bring all the desserts.
Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? recently posted…B is 2 months old
Oh I LOVE this. What a fun idea, it could be because I generally love “quizzes” and that’s why I’m always taking them on buzzfeed. I think that would be my dream job too! Who wouldn’t love to travel the world?
Marta recently posted…Why I Don’t Talk About My Children.
Now I want a dipped cone… Your day sounds exactly like mine, except that I don’t pick my kids up from school, and we are out every night with kids’ activities until 8 or 9 it seems.
Andrea recently posted…Transition