I bought these shorts at Loft a few weeks ago. And then I kinda regretted it.
But, it gets REALLY hot here.
However, I am 36 now.
NOT 16.
Are they too short?
What do YOU think?
I’ve been going over it in my head and looking at myself in the mirror and let me tell you what I’ve decided.
Women of my age, or any age for that matter, have all different legs in size, shape and even color.
I’ve worked my arse off (literally!) to have my legs look like they do right now. I’ve run miles and miles and also walked a lot pushing a stroller or carrying a child on my hip. Or both.
These are MY legs and they may not be the best ones in the world but they are all mine and they work and I’m gonna go ahead and wear the shorts because I CAN.
And you get to see a picture. Aren’t you lucky?
Your legs are awesome, E. Seriously. Show those gams off. In addition? It gets effin hot where you live. Shorts are mandatory
No, not too short! Just right, as those legs need to be shown off! Looking fantastic girl!
I’m 42 and have shorts that length. Not a problem at all!
They are cute! My motto: if you worked your arse off, you deserve it! Once I finally lose this weight I plan on wearing totally inappropriate for my age clothing! Work it mama!
You can totally pull those off. You have the legs to wear those shorts, so DO IT!
I think you look fantastic! Wear em girl! And be proud!
NO! They are not too short. You look great. Wear ’em proud!
Your legs look awesome! SO proud of you!
cheeks hanging out the back = too short. those? very cute! you’ve got great legs
those are not short at all, they look fab!!
My thoughts are always if you feel good in them,wear them proud!
Showing off your legs is an achievement well deserved, go for it!!!
You look fabulous, as always.
AAANNND, I have the same shorts. Great minds…
They’re not at all too short, and your legs look AMAZING! But I know exactly how you feel. I have the same thoughts every time I go short shopping!!
i think you look fantastic! and 36??? seriously, i thought you were like 28.
You look great! I think a long as you look good in them wear’em! Nothing is hanging out!
Not too short! They look great! =)
#1, they are NOT too short. In fact, I wish I could find some like that for my teenage daughter; all I can find for her is shorts that let her butt cheeks hang out. GRR!
#2 if you feel good, wear them! They look great.
Your legs are awesome and you need to wear them if you love them. Love you. xoxo
I think your legs are awesome and you should wear those shorts with pride. As a woman who hates her legs, I’m very jealous.
Nope. Not too short.
Rock ’em sister.
The shorts look fine, not too short at all. You’ve worked hard, show off those legs.
You go girl! Seriously- you’re rockin; ’em! XO
You and your legs look great in those shorts wear em’ and wear em’ proud!
They look great. As do you.
I say go for it. You look great! My legs have always been my best feature, after years and years of sports, and I still try to keep up with running/walking. I just bought a pair from Gap that are about the same length, and I feel so much more at home in them than I do in my longer ones (I’m 32). My SIL is almost 40, and she rocks the short stuff too (she’s way fit, as well as young looking).
You worked hard for what you have! I’m a little jealous, and a lot inspired!
Okay, so on me? Too short, because I’m very self conscious of my legs.
On you? They look awesome. Totally jealous of your legs!