Last week I vlogged about NOT vlogging. And this week I’m vlogging again. So, either I’m a hypocrite or I have a very short term memory. You decide.
(are any of you actually reading this anyway or are you just skipping to the VLOG???)
(also, is it pronounced VEE LOG or VUHLOG? Someone needs to clear this up for me…. pretty please)
Anywaysies, the three lovely ladies that created Vlog Talk posted three topics again this week and I chose to tell you about my favorite magazines.

I pretty much love magazines. I have since I started with YM (short for Young Miss) back in the ’80’s! And I actually have a written draft about magazines that I have yet to post. Anyway, here are three of my current favorites.
Note before you watch: The sound is WAY off from my mouth. I hope you’ll still listen/watch, whichever. I have no techy skills whatsoever and do NOT know how to fix the problem. It was fine until I uploaded it to YouTube…Geez.
And of course now I wanna know, what are your favorite magazines?
I used to read Parenting and the Baby magazines when pregnant, but I don’t read magazines anymore. I may get Better Homes and Gardens, just to drool and dream…
Thanks for sharing!
So glad you vlogged again! I agree…love Real Simple but everything is not Real Simple! I stopped buying Vogue as well. Maybe it’s because I’m not a model. Who knows!
Vogue makes me sad. That I can never look like the models in it, wear makeup the way they do, or wear the clothes they wear.
So instead I read uh, Women’s Health and Practical Parenting. I did this vlog prompt too!
Aww- I miss magazines! I was a huge YM fan. Glamour, too! Yikes! What am I admitting to here?!
And Real Simple- yes! I still get that one. I love the pictures and ideas, too. Not so much for the ready-to-use ideas though, right?
Great job, lady!
Oh I like to mix my fashion with gossip so the only ones I still get are People and Lucky. LOVE LUCKY. LIKE my total porn. OMG LOVE LOVE.
I love Vogue too & then I get fashion envy because I can’t afford anything! lol
I drool over homes that I wish could be mine too!
I’m still trying to get over the fact that you subscribe to 5-6 mags! Wow, you’re a fricken rockstar!
And you are one FUN-NY lady! Your delivery had me giggling the whole way through! Keep this up!
Maybe Real Simple should watch your vlog and change it so that they only publish things that are in fact, real simple. I would ignore the cleaning section too. I never read Parenting magazines. I find they bore me. Great job on your vlog this week. Sorry the sound didn’t match up but you still did great.
Way to go on Vlogging again (I pronounce it the second way).
My favorite magazine is Southern Living. The recipes are to die for and I like that it puts a lot of great information in there about traveling in the south.
I like magazines too like People, Glamor and Cosmo but that only ones I subscribe to are recipe ones.
You’re so cute.
I used to subscribe to Real Simple, but stopped because it felt like it was getting a little repetitive. I subscribe to three magazines, Sports Illustrated, ESPN, and Faith and Family. I read them and recycle them almost immediately. Travis hates magazine clutter!
Oh my gosh I am sorry, but I laughed through most of it (okay, not LAUGHED – but more chuckled) as it totally reminded me of like a Chinese movie with bad English dubbing. Oh my word.
Too funny.
We don’t have any magazines anymore but I’m a huge lover of mags. I recently am into any home decor ones like House & Home or This Old House.
I love Real Simple. I think I am drawn to the clean colors. Maybe its just the clean part…
I am a People junkie too. For some reason I keep getting Parenting and I haven’t paid for it, ever. Weird. I just thought of that.
Great vlog
You’re hair is so cute!
I love parenting magazines but I never find the time to read them. (because I’m obsessed with the internet)
I love Real Simple too, but don’t subscribe. If I did, I would never read it. It looks better from the magazine stand.
I’m really enjoying the “badly dubbed Japanese kung fu film” voice over effect you’ve got going on here. What? It wasn’t intentional? Still awesome.
I LOVE Real Simple, In Style (both of which I no longer get) and Allure. I used to get Newsweek too and actually read it, but then I decided if I had the time to read a magazine I wanted it to be something that was just fun. Newsweek had to hit the road because even though it is awesome it can be a bit of a Debbie Downer.
I loved your vlog! & that you did it outdoors…I might do next weeks outback, you’ve inspired me! My mom always had Better Homes & Gardens & I love to read it at her house…and drool over the homes too!
Great vlog! Loved hearing the birds chirping in the background. I think I’m too close to the city to capture something so lovely in the background of my vlog. I do a vlogging thing through Mamarazzi’s blog, Our Dandelion Wishes. Why don’t you join in on that? Tell her I sent you. It’s the first Tuesday of each month, so it’s coming up.
I enjoyed your vlog. You do a great job. And I like the Real Simple magazine, but I don’t think anything in it is real simple, either. I cut off all my magazine subscriptions a while back, but every now and then I pick up a single issue. I always read Better Homes at the doctor’s office.