Forget the fact that I forgot to take Little G’s picture until AFTER his first day of school was over.
Ok, the actual day wasn’t over but his ‘first day’ was. And it technically wasn’t even a day since they started with just a half day and he only went until noon (normal schedule will be until 2:30).
Am I rambling?
Why yes, Elaine, you are!
Oh wellsies…
So anyway, this picture was taken AFTER I brought him home and no, he would NOT put the book down. He’s so studious already…
When we pulled in the parking lot yesterday morning he said, “Dis my school?!” When I affirmed that it was he said “Okay, me go to school like Ben?” God I love that kid. So cute.
And when I picked him up he only came running to me once he finished his Lego-building project. The teacher reported that there was just a little crying (and she thinks he did only because the other kids were…), ate all his lunch and played a lot. That’s my boy!
So another ‘first day’ under our belts. I declare the school year officially OFFICIALLY started. Now let’s break out the fall weather (YO! Mother Nature!) and pumpkin bread. Who’s ready?
I was walking around our backyard tonight at dusk. I looked back at the house…
I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention. I regret it now. Hindsight and all that. …
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