Today’s guest post is from my friend Meagan. I’m not sure how I originally found her blog but I am guessing it was through a photo link-up because she takes amazing photos of her adorable children. She also does cute crafts and has recently fallen in love with her new stand mixer and made her first homemade cake. Plus, I think she’s starting to like vlogging. Yep, she’s totally my kind of gal!
You can also find Meagan hanging out on twitter sometimes and you can even like her FB Page!
Please welcome Meagan from Meagan’s Musings as she talks to us about a decision many of us know about all to well…
I see a lot of them two mornings a week. Their pretty, round pregnant bellies are all over Andrew’s preschool drop-off.
Some of the mamas look so glamorous, tiny little legs with a perfectly round basketball belly. And some of them look like I did last summer in the 100 degree heat – round everywhere and super sweaty and sticky.
But either way they are glowing and there’s going to be another baby!
Some days I really want to join them. And other days I think I’d cry if I found out we were going to have another baby.
We have been so blessed with Andrew, my three year old, and Caroline, my baby, who will be one next week. They are healthy and adorable and busy as can be.
I love that we have a boy and a girl. I’ll get to experience soccer and t-ball and football (maybe?) as well as ballet and cheerleading and teenage girl drama.
If we had two boys I am almost positive that we would have had a third baby – I really, really wanted to be a girl mama.
But now that we have one of each, our ultimate family size isn’t nearly as clear. I think big families are so awesome. I see families out and about with four or five kids and I think, “They must have so much fun together!” It’s beautiful chaos!
But am I brave enough for that? I don’t know.
If we decide to stop at two, am I okay with never again nursing a teeny-tiny squishy snuggly baby? Will I regret not ever feeling those first little flutters and kicks again? Seeing that beautiful little heartbeat on the ultrasound for the first time?
But then I think I’m ready to have older kids and be done with the baby stage. I really look forward to a time when I can decorate my living room with something other than lego dinosaurs, wear big earrings again and let Andrew and Caroline experience the awesomeness that is Disney World.
I know we have some time and don’t have to make a decision now, but we’ll need to decide in the next year or so, and I really have no idea what we’ll do.
Maybe I’ll just know. Maybe we’ll have an epiphany. A clear answer to our prayers. But for now I’m going to enjoy the two amazing kiddos who’ve blessed our lives more than anything we’d ever imagined.
I don’t know Meagan, that IS a tough one considering you make such beautiful babies… What say you, internets?
I say wait it out and then you’ll know. We didn’t have our 3rd until our 2nd was 4.5. Though sometimes I regret waiting so long. It is what it is and can’t imagine our family any other way.
You’ll know soon enough if you will want another one.
I do think whatever we decide in the end will feel like it was just the right decision. At least I hope so!
Your kids are beautiful!
Honestly, even when you know you don’t plan to have any more kids, you’ll still feel a little wistful about pregnancy and newborn squishiness. I should know–I have six kids, we’re fairly sure we’re done, and yet I still see a pregnant woman and think how much I loved it and miss it.
Prayer and trust is the way to go.
Oh those newborn squishies are just so hard to resist!! And thank you – I think they’re kind of cute too.
It is such a hard decision. I am not sure if we will have more or not. I am hoping the answer will come to us too.
We are in the same exact position. One of each. A 3yo and a 1yo. And no decision yet as to what to do about a 3rd. I do know that once I”m out of the baby phase I don’t want to go back. Which gives us about a year before we’re declaring ourselves done. No clue which way we’ll end up going…
Gosh, this made me tear up, Meagan. We are going through the same thought process right now. Your littles are so gorgeous, I say go for it
My son is 20 months and we keep talking about when and if we will have another. Sometimes I feel like we are blessed and our family is complete as is and other days I think there is room for another. It’s such a tough decision, good luck.
Thank you! It really is. We knew for sure we wanted two, and it was still hard for me to decide when we were ready for our second. My husband was ready before I was, but he wasn’t the one who got up in the night with the baby – ha!
I’m mom to 5 great kids. My first 3 kids are about two and a half years apart, then 7 years later in came number 4 and number 5 three years later. Sometimes it feels like I’m raising two sets of kids, but I will tell you that I love watching my older children interacting with the younger ones. I love my big family, and really loved how you described it, “beautiful chaos”. It is very chaotic, loud, messy, and busy, but during times I feel overwhelmed, I sit back, close my eyes and listen to my children laughing and interacting, and think to myself, “This is just the family I always wanted”. I have no regrets! Good luck with your big decision. : )
Thank you for this! I think having all those siblings would be so much fun – and just think about how great it will be when they’re grown and have their own children!
I am in the same boat, Meagan! Jon is 100% done (he says I’m a crazy pregnant lady – what?!) and sometimes it breaks my heart, but other times I’m completely happy and fine with it. Making that final decision of “no more” is such a hard thing to tell oneself. I may say we are done, but for a few more years there will be that tiny part of me that wants another one. Luckily, four of my friends are currently pregnant, so there are lots of babies in my future. =D
Love Megan’s blog : )
I’m with Megan above, my husband is done and I wish we could have another. Time is not on our side sadly. I am so blessed in that we got to experience both boy and girl too. so different!