And so, it’s okay

We see A LOT on the internet about the “Mommy Wars” and it just makes my heart sad to know that someone even coined that phrase. 
I don’t want to fight with any other mommies.  I just want to be the best mommy I can be to my kids.  And I’m guessing that’s what MOST of the other mommies out there want as well.  I think mommies need to unite.  After all, we are ALL in this together. 
I personally feel that acceptance of each other and different styles of doing things, is the first step. 
And I think we are getting there, in some ways. 
I also think we have a long way to go.
I recently read this post by my friend Ash.  And although it has a humorous take (she’s VERY funny), it also has some serious strains to it as well. (please read, you’ll love it, I’ll wait…)
And then I read Shell’s post lat week about screaming at her kids and all I could do was nod along as I read it.  Although I’m not proud that I lose my temper with my children at times, it is true that I do.  Plus, it makes me feel like even though those moments are not be my best “mommy” ones, I at least know that it’s okay.  Especially when I read the comments and see all the other mommies “nodding” along, as they express their understanding as well.
So I believe THESE are the kinds of things we need to be talking about and working through together. 
These are the kinds of topics that we should be able to lean on each other about.
I’m not saying we shouldn’t talk about breast vs. bottle, working vs. not working or co-sleeping vs. Ferberizing but the dissent when we do, just makes me sick to my stomach.  I feel like someone is ALWAYS on the defensive. 
And it just shouldn’t be that way.
I yell at my kids on occasion (just like Steph) because I am human.  I’m doing the best over here with three kids in different stages and kitchen floors that constantly need sweeping and laundry that stares me in the face all the time. 
I’m comforted by the fact that I am not the only one who feeds my kids Goldfish regularly and blows her top on occasion.
This mothering thing is hard, as we all know, and the daily decisions that come along with it are no walk in the park either (watch this awesome LTYM video by Cheryl from Mommy Pants, talk about sacrifices we make…). 
But I’m asking us all (myself included) to stop.  To stop and simply try to put ourselves in THAT other mother’s shoes before we think what she is doing is wrong (unless of course there’s actual HARM involved) just because that’s not the way we have or will do it.
I think we’ve built an amazing community of women who blog and many who are mothers.  I’ve garnered some of the best information, support and friendships through this space as well as twitter and facebook.
Social Media, has in a way, changed my life.
And I want to make sure it continues to do so in a GOOD way.
So ladies, let’s support each other, because I really feel like that’s the best way to forge ahead.
Don’t you?

I just felt like I needed to get this off my chest.

Linking up with Pour Your Heart Out...  AND Share Your Awesome at Jennifer’s Place!


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