So, I am having a pretty awesome last 24 hours or so in the old world of the blogsphere! Last night I was up late “blawgin” because Tim had already passed out fallen asleep and I hadn’t got to poke around my usual blogs all day since there was a Valentine’s Party here yesterday for our playgroup (totally forgot to take any pictures). Geez, can I ramble on or what?!
I am most excited because this is my first bloggy award of any type and I just think it’s the coolest! (It’s the little things in life…)
Anyway, here are the rules that come with this sticker:
1. Choose 3 people you want to reward for their good bloggy behavior. (I say if you don’t have three that’s ok. Pick one person.)
2. Link them in a post along with the “Caught Being Good” sticker.
3. Let them know they’ve been “Caught Being Good” and encourage them to pay it forward (if they feel like it).That’s it!
So, here I go, spreading some linky love. You don’t have to be nominated to nominate someone but here are my picks:
Brittany – 4 Little Men – This lady has AWESOME photography on her blog and she has 4 BOYS! That alone deserves all kinds of awards!!
Nicole – As Many as We’re Given – If it was’t for finding her, I may not be as involved in blogging as I am because she was the first blog I found that linked to so many others and sent me on this path. Oh, and she’s about to have her 5th child, so she needs lots of extra love!
Musings of a Housewife – I really love this blog. I read it every day. And, she just launched a new blog called Chic Critique. Check them both out when you get a chance!
And then… this morning I found out that I won a $50 Target gift card over at Chased By Children, just for participating in her giveaways this week!! I never win anything, I mean except for NOW of course! Looks like momma’s gonna get some new Spring clothes and even maybe shoes. YEAH!
So, like I said it’s been a good day in Bloggy Land. I hope everyone has a great weekend. It’s cold and rainy here but there’s sunshine in my heart (I know, cheesy…)
I was walking around our backyard tonight at dusk. I looked back at the house…
I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention. I regret it now. Hindsight and all that. …
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