Our church is located pretty close to a Target.
Why do you need to know this information? Well, the fact that it is geographically convenient for me to go shopping there on a Wednesday night, that’s why.
I have church choir rehearsal on Wednesday evenings. And Tim is either home with the children, or I pay the babysitter to stay a little longer so I can get a little retail therapy afterward.
(just FYI, World Market is in the same parking lot so I usually try to hit both. Also, this is not EVERY Wednesday, sometimes I go to the mall instead).
I had an express purpose for my trip to Target this last Wednesday.
Juice Boxes.
We were almost out and Target also has the Honest Kids pouches with half the sugar and I was crossing my fingers that maybe they were even on sale this week and that I could get at least two boxes.
(p.s. most of you, if not all, probably already know where this is going… but stick with me…)
I went in on the grocery side! I told myself I was not going to venture to the “other side” of the store with it’s clothes and shoes and accessories, etc., etc., ETC!!!
The light bulbs I needed for K’s night light and our refrigerator were kind of not too far from all that stuff.
Oh, and Tim needed a rug for his side of the bed…
And K needed new pajamas…
You know the drill.
And lemme just tell you, while I was trying on the adorable button down blouse and super cute salmon-colored shorts (that I did also buy), all thoughts of juice boxes went RIGHT out of my head.
Oh Target, you get me every time.
The funny thing is, at one point, I was RIGHT by them. In the same aisle, I believe but the $1.02 vitamin waters and Stevia sodas were calling my name louder, APPARENTLY.
As were the cheese sticks and the yogurts and the granola bars.
After about an hour of NOT PUTTING ANY JUICE BOXES IN MY FULL CART, I made my way to the checkout.
I made eye contact with another woman, cart full of stuff as well, and she looked at me and said, “You just came in for one thing, didn’t you?”
We laughed.
I still didn’t take the hint.
I came home WITHOUT ANY juice boxes.
Really people, REALLY!!
I think I need a grocery list tattooed on my arm, with juice boxes right at the top in a really pretty font.
Of course then I might just cover it up in the fitting room while trying on that cute top I found….
Damn Target.
I went to Target today to get Aquafor for the baby. I left with two shirts for me (my app had a coupon!), a cloth cube that will be perfect for the toys in the living room (it was on clearance!), candy (that I do NOT need) and the Aquafor. Thankfully I remembered that.
Target gets me every. single. time.
I went to Target on my lunch break yesterday and managed to spend $180. I’m Barbara and I have an addiction ;).
Target is clear on the other side of town, which I guess is a good thing?!? I almost never go there.
This is why I have banned myself from Target. I tell myself diapers are cheaper at Target so I got there and $120 later I have no diapers and a bunch of stuff I didn’t really need. Well played Target.
I went last week while the kids were in preschool/MDO. I needed laundry detergent and trash bags and I forgot both, BOTH of them. But I have these super cute blue shorts now. And great kids’ birthday wrapping paper. ‘Cause that’s the stuff I really needed.
I’m kinda glad we don’t have a Target.

On the other hand, I kinda wish we did.
Damn Target and whatever they pump into the air there to make us completely lose our minds. Hilarious!
Happens to me ALL the time. LOVE IT.
Truth: I have never been into a Target.
More exciting truth: One is opening up right by my house this fall. I am excited!
The Target trap! Ours just added a whole food section and they really do have cheese sticks and yogurts you cannot get elsewhere. And their all-natural Lucky Charms, and their dollar bin of crappy princess things my daughter likes, and their cute clothes. I can’t even talk about it or I’ll get into my car right now and head there.
Gets me every time. I went in to pick up my prescription, and darn, wouldn’t you know it wasn’t ready. Now I’m the proud owner of a helium tank, six brightly colored sand buckets ($1 aisle!), and I don’t even remember what else.
I am so lucky our nearest Target is 30 minutes away because I get sucked in every time too! It would probably be cheaper to buy the Juice Boxes at Whole Foods
You are not alone, my friend. This happens to me every. single. freaking. time I step foot in Target too! I don’t know what it is about that store that makes me spend $100 each time I visit, but it never fails. And I never think twice about what I’m getting.or waver or over the final bill, I just pay and move on.
hahaha! A really pretty font. This made me giggle, and yeah…SO HAPPENS TO ME.
I miss Target so much. You need to go on with those blinders like they use on horses, that open up just one eye to steer you in the direction you need to go.
And this is why I am so glad that Canada does not own Target…wait…we just got one…damn you!!!!!
Target is just about to open near us. I’m skeered.
Target is the Holy Land of shopping. It just is. It is NOT YOUR FAULT that you walked in there and fell warm into it’s embrace. Target has a power of us that is beyond our ability to fight.
This is me every single trip to Target. And I may or may not go there several times a week.
Damn Target is right! I can’t tell you how many times that has happened to me. I try not to go to Target unless absolutely necessary. That place is dangerous!
Target does it to me every time! And Walmart is kinds difficult like that, too.