So, what else did we do?

13 years ago

There was some fishing for the dads and oldest boys, although the waters proved to be a little too rough…

At the water

13 years ago

On Sunday the water on the Emerald Coast was just as it should be, colored in the beautiful blues and…

I had to just close my eyes and point at some photos…

13 years ago

Seriously, people.I took so many photos on our beach vacation that it's really hard to choose which ones to post.…

The Ocean

13 years ago

Anticipation mounted as we drove onto the ferry and rolled down our windows.  I could smell the salty, sticky ocean…

Vacation, all I ever wanted… & MEM

13 years ago

I'm currently still recovering from my vacation hangover. DUDE.It's like I drank the whole ocean and it was spiked.  With…

Four Little Men & A Little Lady

13 years ago

This photo makes an enourmous smile come to my face.  We are having a blast on vacation.I hope you all…

Please Remind Me

13 years ago

Today I have a guest post from my lovely friend, Liz, of Learning to Juggle.  She also has two boys…

Saying Goodbye

13 years ago

Today my wonderful friend and roomie (we will be rooming together for the second time in a row at BlogHer…

It was the best day ever/It was the worst day ever

13 years ago

My oldest child loves to rate the day by those two phrases above.  He's been doing this for years now.Yesterday…


13 years ago

A friend of mine and I split a 12 week share of CSA (community supported agriculture) from a local farm…

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