The Family Bed

12 years ago

I hear the door down the long hallway as it clicks and creaks open.  I know he is coming after…

Giving Gav His Credit Where Credit it is Due

12 years ago

The other day Gavin and Katie were sitting down at the table to work on their homework at the same…

Life is a Highway (or a suburban street, whatever)

12 years ago

We are in that in between spot of the year, before the time changes again and it's still light out…

Party Time!

12 years ago

Kids + a gym = loads of fun, right?So we hit The Little Gym for K's birthday celebration.And I *think*…

Starbucks Run

12 years ago

Mondays are kinda crazy.It's usually my laundry day.All of the kids go to school but after school we have Cathechism…

At Three

12 years ago

My sweet Katie-Kay is three today.Aw, it's like a little poem.And really, so is she.I have so much joy with…

How my mind works

12 years ago

I like dessert.I just do.I grew up in a house where a Dutch apple pie on a random Wednesday was…

The Ladybug Dress

12 years ago

I found this dress at Goodwill on one of my trips to Austin last year at the same time that…

I used to be kinda fun(ny)

12 years ago

I read a few old posts of mine recently and I noticed that I used to be kinda funny.I'm not…


12 years ago

I commented to a  friend of mine the other day that things are getting "easier" as the kids get older.I…

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