What Was Your Favorite Part?

10 years ago

This was the question we kept asking each other while on our family vacation to Universal and Orlando last week.…

Summer Happy! (+ $110 to Target!)

10 years ago

Our Summer is flying by! Ooh look it's already July.  How'd that happen? Thankfully, we've had some fun and I…

Home Makeover Edition

10 years ago

The house we live in and me, well.... we have a love/hate relationship.  I love the size of the closets…

My Father

10 years ago

Every afternoon around 5 p.m. I listened for him.  The engine of his gold Chevy truck grumbled as he cut…

When the Nostalgia Kicks In…

10 years ago

There are many things about our childhoods that are different than the ones our own children are experiencing.  I know…

Sum-sum-summa Time!

10 years ago

I can already see the syrupy popsicle, dripping down my middle child's chin.  I can see my little girl's goggled-face smile…

One of the Best Shows Ever

10 years ago

My arms were loaded down with a basket full of my dirty clothes, as I made my way down the…

Ah yes, photography…

10 years ago

I've been a bit of a slacker in this department lately. My focus has been more on my writing.  Which…

Tweens and Tablets

10 years ago

This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of OurPact. The other day I was looking over my…

I’m Sorry I Forgot to Read Your Blog

10 years ago

So, here's the thing. I cannot always remember to read your blog posts just like you cannot always remember to…

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