The day actually starts pretty lax around here but I attribute that to the fact that I currently have only one child in full-time school.  I’m thinking next year might be a different story once G starts Kindergarten (ACK, G will start K next year!!) but I hope it can stay this way.

The little ones go to school 3 and 2 days a week, respectively and on those mornings I pack multiple lunches and do some dishes and no matter who goes to school I always make coffee.  I wish I was one of those people who remembers to set up the coffee maker the morning before and even (OHMYGOSHTHINKAHEAD!) program it but alas, I am just NOT.  But I finally ditched that HORRIBLE coffee maker and got myself a trusty Cuisinart with a nice carafe so my morning is much better and less full of “artful” words now. 🙂

Anyway, I’m not probably considered a “morning person” (Hi Honey!) but I do actually like that time of day.  I would just probably rather spend it still under the covers.  But, as we all know, that is NOT an option…

And at least I get to wake up to and be with the family I always wanted, so it’s all good. 🙂

My awesome mug from @mycrazybusylife #MugSwap2011

And yes I do still have a snowflake table cloth on the table. What? It’s Winter.  And I can promise you those are THE only snowflakes we are gonna see around here!!


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