The day actually starts pretty lax around here but I attribute that to the fact that I currently have only one child in full-time school. I’m thinking next year might be a different story once G starts Kindergarten (ACK, G will start K next year!!) but I hope it can stay this way.
The little ones go to school 3 and 2 days a week, respectively and on those mornings I pack multiple lunches and do some dishes and no matter who goes to school I always make coffee. I wish I was one of those people who remembers to set up the coffee maker the morning before and even (OHMYGOSHTHINKAHEAD!) program it but alas, I am just NOT. But I finally ditched that HORRIBLE coffee maker and got myself a trusty Cuisinart with a nice carafe so my morning is much better and less full of “artful” words now.
Anyway, I’m not probably considered a “morning person” (Hi Honey!) but I do actually like that time of day. I would just probably rather spend it still under the covers. But, as we all know, that is NOT an option…
And at least I get to wake up to and be with the family I always wanted, so it’s all good.
And yes I do still have a snowflake table cloth on the table. What? It’s Winter. And I can promise you those are THE only snowflakes we are gonna see around here!!

It looks so calm and happy at your house in the morning. Mine usually consists of me tearing around the kitchen making lunches and breakfasts and trying to convince D he doesn’t need to put his shoes on over his footie jammies.
Mornings at our house are crazy busy. They would never be described as relaxed. Of course, ALL of us are trying to get out the door so there is that.
I am not a morning person either. I always wished I could be one of those people that bounced out of bed to greet the day.
Loved the shot of your feet in front of the dishwasher. LOL
Your house looks so calm and peaceful in the mornings – ours not so much. And I even set up the coffeemaker the night before!
Introducing the World’s Smallest Warrior Cat
yay mornings! i am sloooowly becoming more of a morning person, but i just don’t like talking in the morning. so if i can just go downstairs, unload the dishwasher and make coffee without having to talk to anyone, that’d be great.
Dang. It’s just ME here and I can’t say there’s anything relaxed about my mornings.
And I really have no one to blame for that either.
It looks peaceful and cozy over there, just as it should be!! Sweet.
Your mornings are much like mine. Love it.
Ha! I was totally laughing about your tablecloth because I still have our holiday one on too!
Love your morning pics.
Do you know how perfect the composition of these photos is?
Love, love, love your photos! I can’t imagine trying to photograph our mornings. Mostly because I am still stumbling around half asleep. So. Not. a Morning. Person.
Love, love, love your photos! I can’t imagine trying to photograph our mornings. Mostly because I am still stumbling around half asleep. So. Not. a Morning. Person.
Love your shots! WWF is a morning staple over here, too. haha.
Ah, real life. I’m a bit afraid of next fall when we’ll have two getting ready in time for the bus too.
I can’t play WWF so early in the morning. My brain is not awake. Maybe that is why you consistently kick my butt.
I am also not a morning person. I get up and do what needs to be done, but with minimal talking and friendliness. As someone with 4 kids going to school full-time, I don’t think our mornings are any crazier than when just one was going. I make breakfast and then lunch while they are eating. I could do lunches the night before, but I have no desire to do that. Making stuff in the morning is not too tough.
Love those sweet baby feet.
I love these! Those feet are seriously adorable.
And you’re not kidding! I’d love a little snow too!
We have those same IKEA spoons
So funny I posted a dishwasher shot similar to yours today! (and I like to play wwf in the a.m, too!) And also, I love your morning shots!
Looks like cozy mornings start each day at your house
Love those little feet and hands!
Looks like cozy mornings start each day at your house
Love those little feet and hands!
HA- mornings. I didn’t even put photos together for that prompt because with all that is going on around here during that time of day- the camera doesn’t even get touched until the day calms many hours later
I agree though- coffee is a must
Looks like such a peaceful morning! I love the shot of little feet!
how sweet are those feet?!
Sweet morning pics! I love the dishwasher one. I need to remember to include one like that in my 365 because it’s definitely a big part of life! I think I have the same tablecloth!
I adore slow mornings, they start everything off so very right!
Beautiful photography, as always, my friend!
These are lovely, nice job.
I love seeing how others spend their mornings. Looks like busy, busy for you!
Wonderful captures of your day.
I’m visiting from Momma Made It Look Easy! Love your pictures, you have beautiful children! And I’m the same way with the coffee, I never remember to preset it so I quit trying and now I am loving my keurig, coffee in a minute, yes thank you!!
You are such an amazing photographer!
You make empty yogurt look good
I love the shot of her little piggies on the chair! So cute, Elaine!