All Warm & Fuzzy…

First of all…. Thank you. Thank you to all of you who left such supportive and heartfelt comments on my post about Little G on Wednesday. Honestly, I could feel your hearts going out to me and my little guy. And your prayers, well I felt those too.

I know some may think it silly that I find comfort in comments from people I have never actually laid eyes on or people I have only met a few times. But it really is phenomenal to me how others reaching out in any way, but especially here, in this community I’ve found, can lift you up so very much.

I also want to clear up the part I wrote about our (meaning everyone’s) children being “perfect.” I don’t want ANYONE to assume that I would think that my children still aren’t perfect in their own way even if something is “wrong” or “different.” Like some of you said, he is perfect the way he is, no matter what. He will always be “perfect” in our eyes and God’s.

So, I will let you all know how this thing turns out but after watching Little G today (and I mean REALLY watching) I don’t think there is an issue. I think the evaluation will be a piece of cake and that whoever comes to visit us will walk out of here wondering why they came.

And until further notice… case closed. And thanks again. Really.

Now let’s move on and spread some bloggy love. Shall we? Mkay.

My pal Adventures of the Reluctant Housewife passed this darling, and “friendly” bloggy award on to me.

I am so flattered to receive this from her and just want to say, “Right back at you sister!” Reluctant and I are both parents to two cute boys {wink, wink} and we’re also crossing our fingers for each other that we can convince our husbands to let us go to BlogHer ’09. I can’t wait to meet you there friend! : )
So here’s the dealio with this award…

These blogs are exceedingly charming. These kind bloggers aim to find and be friends. They are not interested in self-aggrandizement. Our hope is that when the ribbons of these prizes are cut, even more friendships are propagated. Please give more attention to these writers. Deliver this award to eight bloggers who must choose eight more and include this cleverly-written text into the body of their award.
Here are the eight blogs I wish to bequeath this award to:
Lisa – Growing Up Mo
It’s hard to stop at eight because I consider SO many of you my bloggy friends but I am tired and I know you can all understand that!
These ladies are people I would call my friend any day, any time. They comment here, I comment there. They twitter with me and I’ve even met two of them in real life!
C’mon girls, let’s all go to BlogHer ’09! K? Or… we could just all meet at some random restaurant in Middle Town, USA. I’m not picky.
Thanks again to Reluctant and nighty-night!

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