Okay, it’s another day of randomness. So y’all prepare yourselves as I skip around my life – a lot. 1…2…3… Go!
1. I don’t know who is more addicted to the Quaker Simple Harvest “all natural” dark chocolate chunk granola bars (boy that is a mouthful – literally!) – me or the 4-year old.
2. The same above mentioned 4-year-old finally jumped off of the side of the pool into the water by himself last night! I am so proud!!
3. I am now in count-down mode until my vacation in 2 weeks – actually we leave our house in 13 days and some hours. Like I said, counting down…
4. I have 375 photo prints on the way to my house. That’s a lot of scrapbooking that I can no longer procrasinate on. It was nice knowing you bloggy friends…
5. Husband is going to be OOT on business ALL week next week. Someone hand me my largest glass for wine.
6. I have a vine/plant thingy that my mother gave me a few years ago that I left out in freezing temps over the winter and was sure it was dead. Then Mom pointed out a “speck” of green on it during one of her visits in the Spring and I was elated. But she said it probably wouldn’t bloom this year. I am glad her green thumb was wrong this one time – it just produced it’s first beautiful pink flower of many to come!
7. Why is it that every place I go with the 14-month old who is obsessed with anything round-shaped, they must have balloons hanging from something? The grocery store, the “chicken store” (a.k.a Chick Fil A), etc. Even at The B Man’s summer school they made yarn balloons and hung them from the ceiling. So the chorus of my life is “DA BAH, DA BAH, DA BAH” over and over and over again…
8. I adore pretty much everyone that is left on SYTYCD. How will America ever choose a winner? I am pretty stoked that Will and Katie danced together last night though. Love them as partners!
9. I am feeling pretty enlightened by the bible study that I am doing with Tracy, Natalie, Jennifer, Michelle and Claudia. We are just now really getting into the “meat” of it and it’s good. (that’s right, I linked to you Claudia – now that means you have to get that blog REALLY goin’!)
10. Little G is almost weaned. He’s down to 0-1 nursing sessions a day. It’s so very bittersweet.
11. I wish I could eat birthday cake every day. With a side of chocolate of course.
Last (but NOT least!) If you ARE NOT going to BlogHer and you read this post, please leave me a comment. I think most of the ladies who are going have already left anyway and aren’t necessarily blog-hopping so that means YOU need to leave a comment at my little pity party here, k? Mwah!
I was walking around our backyard tonight at dusk. I looked back at the house…
I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention. I regret it now. Hindsight and all that. …
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