Okay, it’s another day of randomness. So y’all prepare yourselves as I skip around my life – a lot. 1…2…3… Go!
1. I don’t know who is more addicted to the Quaker Simple Harvest “all natural” dark chocolate chunk granola bars (boy that is a mouthful – literally!) – me or the 4-year old.
2. The same above mentioned 4-year-old finally jumped off of the side of the pool into the water by himself last night! I am so proud!!
3. I am now in count-down mode until my vacation in 2 weeks – actually we leave our house in 13 days and some hours. Like I said, counting down…
4. I have 375 photo prints on the way to my house. That’s a lot of scrapbooking that I can no longer procrasinate on. It was nice knowing you bloggy friends…
5. Husband is going to be OOT on business ALL week next week. Someone hand me my largest glass for wine.
6. I have a vine/plant thingy that my mother gave me a few years ago that I left out in freezing temps over the winter and was sure it was dead. Then Mom pointed out a “speck” of green on it during one of her visits in the Spring and I was elated. But she said it probably wouldn’t bloom this year. I am glad her green thumb was wrong this one time – it just produced it’s first beautiful pink flower of many to come!
7. Why is it that every place I go with the 14-month old who is obsessed with anything round-shaped, they must have balloons hanging from something? The grocery store, the “chicken store” (a.k.a Chick Fil A), etc. Even at The B Man’s summer school they made yarn balloons and hung them from the ceiling. So the chorus of my life is “DA BAH, DA BAH, DA BAH” over and over and over again…
8. I adore pretty much everyone that is left on SYTYCD. How will America ever choose a winner? I am pretty stoked that Will and Katie danced together last night though. Love them as partners!
9. I am feeling pretty enlightened by the bible study that I am doing with Tracy, Natalie, Jennifer, Michelle and Claudia. We are just now really getting into the “meat” of it and it’s good. (that’s right, I linked to you Claudia – now that means you have to get that blog REALLY goin’!)
10. Little G is almost weaned. He’s down to 0-1 nursing sessions a day. It’s so very bittersweet.
11. I wish I could eat birthday cake every day. With a side of chocolate of course.
Last (but NOT least!) If you ARE NOT going to BlogHer and you read this post, please leave me a comment. I think most of the ladies who are going have already left anyway and aren’t necessarily blog-hopping so that means YOU need to leave a comment at my little pity party here, k? Mwah!
I am not going to BlogHer…and I want to be going to BlogHer. We can pity party together!!
good luck being alone, next week. I feel the pain!
“Da Bah” is one of our favorite things, too. That…and Matt “moos” at EVERYTHING that has four legs.
Im not going either:( I have already seen the lag in my blog and alot of others. We need to all join together!
Obviously I’m not going to BlogHer (New Zealand is a bit far away from San Fran!) so I will join your party! Love reading these “random” posts, you learn so much about a person!
Wow, 300+ photos … I expect to see a few layouts on here in the near future!
I’m not going to BlogHer. *sniff* And I just found out that there’s going to be swag. I had no idea. I want gift bags! I want goodies!
(Can’t stop whining about not going…)
Jumping off the side of the pool is a very big deal. You should be proud. Love your list.
Not going either
Fun list!
No BlogHer for me!
Congrats on the weaning! And, my daughter still likes to point out balloons at 21 months!
And, I printed off 800 pictures in December…they are still in a box!!!! What to come scrap mine?
i don’t even know what blogher is… but after reading this and your comments i feel like i should!
Nope. Not going to BlogHer.
I love SYTYCD too! I love Katy and Will!!! Love! But I love Josh too. And that short little brown haired girl too. What is her name?
No BlogHer. Let’s pity party it up together.
Random works for me – that’s how my brain works!
Another week without the hubby? Geez, he’s travelling a lot. Let me know if you need a breather – I’m free Wed!
I could SO beat you on the number of photos you have coming…if only I could get my rear in gear and upload/order them! Ugh! I’m only 3.5 years behind in my family books!!
I’m with you on #11! That would be fantastic!
I love your lists!
I’m not at Blogher…not really sure it bothers me at all.
I’m not going to BlogHer either. I have a friend that one a free trip and I’m so jealous.
I’m not at BlogHer. Work people were like, “Vacation? You don’t get no stinkin’ vacation! Now get back to work!” *Whip snaps here.
So no BlogHer for me. But at least we’ll have each other.
BlogHer is for suckers. Or something.
I love random posts, by the way. And, I too hate that everybody thinks they need balloons. Do they not understand that they are torturing us moms?
I am still here, jealously reading blogher posts…
Those granola bars sound yummy, chocolate…
I am behind on my scrapping too, but I have almost finished a 24 page album in 2 days for my Girl’s birthday. My house looks like a tornado hit it, but…
Have a wonderful day,
Not going to BlogHer either. Rather than go to a fun destination I am heading to my out-laws this afternoon with the boys for a long weekend. It certainly will be an adventure trying not to kill them
1. Hey I saw enjoy them! I do the same when it comes to fruit chews with my barely still 4 year old.
2. Wahoo! Way to go
3. I hope you have a wonderful time in advance.
4. I have not printed photos much since NHL was about 1 . . . he’s 5 in exactly one month.
5. I hope the time goes quickly for you and the kids are good to mommy.
6. Good luck with that. We are in the process of killing yet another group of sunflowers that my little guy planted.
7. So glad that my little guy is not the only one obsessed with balls. As you said anything and everything round is a ball.
8. *sigh* I keep missing it.
10. Hugs to you. JSL is nursing a lot less now. He’s down to about 2-3 times a day and several of those are only for a few minutes.
11. LOL – why not? Mind you it’s the portion control that is the evil part of the entire thing.
Blogher. Not.
And I so should be scrapping. I’m so behind I could vomit. OY.
Oh crap how do i get the blog up.
I’m less than 100 miles away… and I’m not going…
Forget BlogHer…BlogHerNOt is where it’s at this weekend!!! Have you checked out Mommy Pie’s place yet?? That is where all the action is going down!
happy pow!!
I, too, am not going to BlogHer…but hey, we’ll have more fun! I hope you have fun scrapbooking…you have inspired me to get my booty in gear and order some pics! I have a lot of work ahead of me
I wish I could eat everything every day with a side of chocolate!
I’ll drink some wine with you. Do you have another glass?
Nope, no Blogher for me either. Not really too sad about it because I’m just starting out in the blogging world and am a little freaked out by meeting all those people. Too much pressure for me.
Happy POW, from one non-BlogHer to another. I am weaning my little one, too. sad.
What Bible study are you doing? I love to know about good Bible studies!
Hi Elaine. I’ve been taking advantage of so many people going to Blogher… by catching up on reading and finally fixing my blog roll. You are on it.
I was wishing I’d been to Blogher… and I posted about Virtual Blogher. And at the end of all that – I think my weekend has been working out just fine at home.
Come read if you have time.
Happy POW!
Ah, SYTYCD…so sorry to see Kherington and Gev go, but how awesome is this season?! Katee and Will are just freaks of nature. No one should be that good.