Today was the second day for Miss Anna to be with us. Of course both days she’s been here so far she’s been shipped off to school along with the boys and tomorrow is our first FULL today all together. We shall see how it goes. I mean I have to feed her a meal and everything! (Don’t worry Lisa, I’ll feed her – promise!) Here’s proof that she already gets snacks. tee hee.
And now, here’s a little babysitting story for you all…
This morning, shortly after her mom dropped her off, little Anna disappeared from any of the rooms that contain toys (which are several!) and I finally assumed she was in the potty. I wanted to give her her privacy but I also wanted to make sure that all was going well. I checked in and she was on her way to taking a tinkle so I let her be. I heard the flush and the next thing I knew she was back in the playroom doing her thang and making her little girl noises (have I mentioned that it’s so cute to have little girl noises in the house?)
I went into “get-the-boys-stuff-ready-for-school” mode while the kids played and Little G ate his breakfast. After the male children (mine) got dressed it was time to head out the door and get buckled in for the 3 minute ride to school.
As an aside, let me just tell you right now that Anna is the most chillin’ kid I know (Lisa, we need to talk about your secret here because this kid is wonderfully laid back!). She enjoys being buckled in. She enjoys being unbuckled. She likes putting her back pack on. She questions nothing so far. Love. her.
Anyway, we park in the parking lot at school and I hear a little (female) voice in the back row say, “I’m naked.” Did y’all catch that? Naked.
I quickly thought (What, did she do some sort of Houdini trick back there and get her dress off??? Surely The B Man would be proclaiming it from the rooftops if she had!) So, I look back and see that her dress is still on and I KNOW she’s NOT naked. Well except for maybe…
So we get out of the car and I do a quick check. Yep, she’s “naked” under there alright. See, we’ve never mixed potty-ing and skirts at our house before so this was a totally new one for me.
Now I must thank Lisa for making sure she had extra panties in her back pack. She saved both of our butts, so to speak. Because if I’d had to go home and get her some new underwear from my house they would’ve been Thomas or Superman. Just so you know, for future reference.
And yes her other ones remained on the bathroom floor at my house, just a little damp. Thinking I may go out and buy a pack of little girl panties, just in case… You should’ve seen the look on her teacher’s face when I let her know that she was “sans” skivies. Priceless.
On a completely different subject, did y’all notice that I added another sidebar over there on the left? Ok, well I didn’t add it myself, the wonderful Karen did. Isn’t she awesome? Once she finished up with all that fancy-schmancy html-ing, I added a bunch of my daily reads over there too and now I think I can pretty much abondon my reader because it updates every time someone posts something new.
Now THAT is awesome.
Or as I like to say “total awesomness!” Which, by the way, isn’t really good to say around a four-year old a lot because then he might think that “awesomness” is really a word and since it isn’t well… you get the idea.
Oh, to have a friend who could code for me…
haha…that story is hilarious!! Thanks for making me laugh…and now I have a heads up for what to expect from my little girl one day!!
Uh-oh hhoray for your friend being super organised and having spare ones in the backpack.
Sounds like you’re having lots of fun.
Having some girl sounds around must be just lovely.
Sounds like you’re having fun with your baby Britney Spears ;)… I have to say I’m a little jealous. A temporary girl maybe just what I need to rid me of my no pink blues.
Girls are easier when they are under the age of 11. Then the real fun starts.
Wish I had a left sided sidebar…how does she do that?
LOL…great story! Glad you are getting a little princess to join you for a few days a week at least…those boys take us over, don’t they? I love that sidebar…how cool is that?
ha ha ha he he ha ha!!!!!
as soon as you started talking about the bathroom i had this feeling i knew where that story was headed! that has definitely happened at our house…. only we haven’t left the house in that, um, condition!
Aw man. Going commando already???
So funny!! So girls noises? sigh. GIRL noises. What are those? No grunting, nose picking moans, passing of gas… sigh. I want girl noises! haha.
That is too funny! I’m glad you had a spare pair of underwear! HEHE that rhymes!
And, the three columns are too fab!
What a funny story. You’ll have to do “fully dressed” checks before leaving the house…
Nice new sidebar. I want one too… Slightly jealous.
naked – tee hee
honey that is priceless!!
happy weekend!!
that is way too funny because it has totally happened to me with miss kirstyn!!!
Yep, you’re gonna need a pack of little girl panties. lol Cute story! Adorable little girl.
What would we do without those organized moms
HAHAHA!! That is such a cute story! She sounds like a doll.
That IS total awesomeness!
She’s a little darling and that is the cutest story. Little girls are definitely known to abandon their undies! Love the new look too – very cool.
Have a good weekend, Elaine – see you soon – Kellan
Oh that is just too cute! Cade always takes his off too, but he brings them to me to put back on. Note to self, cure that fast!!
Welcome to the world of three columns! Loving it!
Oh Elaine!
You are so good at drawing a picture in the mind, what a great story!
Too funny how little girls and boys are different.
I love the new side bar and updates!
Little girls are so different from boys! Love your 3 bar LO!
I’m totally singing like Elisabeth Shue now. How sweet that she told you she needed undies!
Dadgum DRAT that was me. I’m doing that A LOT lately.
To funny! Mine is always trying to slip out of her undies too. Must be a girl thing.
And I love the blog list too!
Love that story!
Sans skivies…too funny!
What a great story!