I just made a pot of chili and it simmers on the stove.

On the L-shaped couch sits a huge plastic Sam-sized container of animal crackers, the lid nowhere to be found.  Along with my two boys, a bowl of popcorn, one (empty, thank goodness) plastic cup, a pillow, a remote control, a stuffed teddy bear and a used kleenex.

A.N.T. Farm is on the t.v.

My little girl plays with her favorite toy today, a generic zhu zhu pet.

Some and all homework is done (for the kindergartener and 3rd grader, respectively).

A light rain falls outside, off and on.

We wait for Daddy to come home from work.

It’s a chilly January day and I am reminded of how blessed I am to be warm and dry inside, and to have food to feed my kids and clothes to put on their backs.

And how much extra there is in our life to entertain us and keep us busy and to keep our minds going and our bellies over full.

This family.  This love.  This everything that I want and have and cherish…

Our little mustached children, me the chef and him the cowboy…
click to enlarge – those mustaches are too hilarious!
I love PicMonkey! 😀

p.s. these photos were taken back in November when I wanted family photos and pics for our Christmas card.  We used my friend Sarah’s backyard that backs up to a “Coulee” (Cajun for “creek”).  The same creek is now flooded and her backyard looks like a lake!  Oh this weather!



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