I have a new desk in the office at the house and actually, the entire office is all for me now (there’s gotta be SOME positive to this new life situation…) so, the two work surfaces have things on them that I like. A lamp, flowers, a candle, trinkets from the kids, a favorite mug, etc. The room really speaks to “me” now and I enjoy being surrounded by things that I like and are visually appealing to me. Everyone has favorite things they like to surround themselves with, at least I hope they do. To me these things bring comfort and reminders of the good things in my life, including the people, which are most important.
But sometimes our favorite things are also things that come and go. Or in my case, things I consume. I have very active tastebuds.
Sometimes it is a group of words (see below, so brilliant) or a place we work (or sometimes that is REALLY NOT the case, I hope it is for you!)
Aywho, I’ve listed some of my favorite things lately. Subject to change. Although probably not on the wine and ice cream (or the kids).
First we have Phin & Phebe’s… (no one paid me to talk about them, darnit)
I found this at a local grocery store the other day and my hand instantly became like a magnet, first to open the freezer door, then to acquire a container of this. It’s SO good. I am sorry if you cannot get it near you. But if so, apparently you can order it online. Not sure how they ship ice cream but if I could not find it I would have some shipped to me!!!
There’s a place in Austin called “Amy’s Ice Cream” (an ice cream shop) and they first introduced me to vanilla ice cream with cinnamon and this reminds me of that. So yeah, because it also brings back Amy’s memories, just another reason to like it. Not that I need one.
Then we have my new job…
Y’all seriously, I could NOT have found a better job for me right now. I am working as as assistant to a partner at local advertising and digital marketing firm, and it is such a wonderful environment! Such great people and I really enjoy getting out of the house and feel like I have a purpose out in the world (okay, well, just Lafayette, but you know what I mean) again. IT’s been REALLY good for me and I am SO happy that I found this opportunity, through the friend of a friend. That’s kind of how things work around here. Fine by me!
This wine:
A friend had this at her house a few weeks ago and I’ve bought a few bottles since then. It’s quite tasty.
Also, this kid…
And this kid…
And this kid…
(okay, so that’s 3 in one, whatever)
They are part of what keeps me going every day. They are what keeps me smiling right now. They are funny and cute (although a bit stressed out right now…) and they love me. Sure, some days one is more my “favorite” than another, but they are all three always my favorites. that totally makes sense, even if you do not think it does.
And lastly, this quote:
I saw it on FB the other night and I’m not ever sure who to give proper credit to, I did not write it. But man, I think it’s SPOT. ON. Obviously there are a few other things under the “Let that shit go” category that I am working on letting go… I think I would also add “THE PAST”.
I as inspired to list these things by MamaKat.
Congrats on the great new job!! Your 3 little ones are precious. Stopping by from Mama Kats.
Yay for new jobs that make us happy! My three kids are pretty much my favorite things (humans) too!
Morgan recently posted…Favorite February Blogs
Congrats on the job it sounds amazing, I love that quote too. I recently found an new ice cream I like but yours sounds really good I might see if they will ship it here.
Julia recently posted…5 Wine Swaps to Make on National Drink Wine Day
I love your list! Wine, ice cream, cute kids, a good job, a hilarious (and true!) quote…you are in a good place right now and I love it!
That is a fantastic quote. And YAY! Your JOB! I love seeing where you work. I hadn’t read anything from you lately and was wondering what was going on. Hugs!
Jennie Goutet recently posted…My husband told me to go to the gym
I love this list and messy ponytails.
And you.
julie gardner recently posted…A Duck and a Beaver Walk Into a Bar
What a happy post! So glad to see that you’ve found several happy things in your life right now. Congrats on your new job; and enjoy an extra scoop of ice cream for me (I stupidly gave up all junk food for Lent…not sure that will ever be happening again).
Leslie recently posted…I’m Finally Back!
Yay!!! Great post! It makes me happy.
Congratulations on your new job! It sounds fantastic! Very exciting stuff.
I love that quote too. I definitely need to work on letting go.
Kat recently posted…Welcome to Wisconsin