I was thinking the other day about how my days used to go when I had only one child and still worked outside of the home.
And I wasn’t thinking about it because I was necessarily wishing I was back there, of course not. I was thinking about it because I try to keep my brain sharp with the memories and I just have to marvel at the difference sometimes.
When I worked I woke up early to get myself and my baby boy ready for the day. I would drop him off at daycare and then drive 25-35 minutes to my office, carry out my day with mostly adult interactions (let’s face it, some co-workers acted like children at times) and hurriedly leave my office no later that 5 p.m. to get back to my little guy and spend a few hours together before his bedtime.
I remember one afternoon Tim called to ask me if I wanted to go look at new vehicles at the dealership after I got off work. I freaked out on him because I could NOT imagine picking B up later than normal and hardly getting to spend any time with him and not getting him his dinner on time. I was adamant about it, actually.
Looking back, I know one afternoon of picking him up later and feeding him chicken nuggets from Wendy’s would not have been the end of the world. But back then it sure seemed like it…
This brings me to Tuesday of last week.
It was an ordinary day but some outstanding circumstances made it a wee bit different.
I was driving around in my van with the little spare on one wheel, waiting for the tire shipment to arrive at the auto place. Of course they can finally do it around 3:15, 45 minutes before G’s gym class and I realize that I have to go RIGHT then, after school pick up, or this tire will not be mine until the next day. And well, I was “tired” of driving a lopsided van.
So, I got the kids out to go into the place and give them my keys and realize that K has NO shoes on since I picked her right out of bed from her nap to go get her brothers. And for once, there is no “spare” pair just hanging out in the van. Of course not. So, she ran around the auto place with no shoes on for 30 minutes, eating a crumbly snack and asking for a lollipop that they had in their customer coffee room. So, we fought about “no lollipop.” There were tears. Almost from me too.
Anyway, we were 18 minutes late to gym class and I carried her the entire time before we ran next door to Kohl’s to buy her some $12.95 canvas shoes. And God bless baby wipes, even though all of my children are potty-trained. Because with kids, you’re still gonna need ’em for something… like dirty, “running around the tire store” feet. Yeah.
And this was all in just about an hour’s time. And to think that in my “previous life” that time would have been spent drinking my 5th cup of coffee, working on Excel spreadsheets and answering business emails.
Yes, I used to be in the corporate world, but those memories are definitely fading…
How was your Tuesday?

Oh how totally different our lives are.
I remember thinking the same thing about a late pickup. Those minutes wer so precious.
Now, I’m trying to figure out how to schedule anything between two different drop offs and pick ups and nap times. It’s amazing anything gets done!
I think about my working days sans children, rather often.

I would wake up at 6.30, clean the cat’s litter box and feed them, take a long, leisurely shower, get dressed in proper clothes, wear makeup, pick a sweet pair of heels to go with my outfit (or sneakers, Nike, you know), then drive to work, 10-15 minutes away. I’ll grab a Starbucks coffee (no need to save money, yes?), then start my work day with emails etc. Deal with adults (who are like children sometimes), then head home by 6 pm, where the husband and I would figure out dinner. Then a late night doing whatever I want.
Now, if I wake up at 6.30, I count myself lucky that it’s not 5.30
BUT, I wouldn’t trade it. I am happy to NOT be working!
I can’t imagine my life without baby wipes. And I can’t imagine my life still going to my job. Sounds very mommy cliche, but it is what it is.
It’s funny what you say about not being able to fathom picking him up any later. It sounds silly, but I struggle with letting the girls stay an hour later in aftercare at MDO. I know they have a blast playing, but I feel guilty unless I have something really pressing to do!
I plan to go back to work after I have our milkshake and I think I wil be very much the same…no after work activities for me–I’ll want to get home to my baby. I can only imagine how things change going from 1 to 2 to 3 kids. Just watching one niece I managed to have a few mishaps, add a second kiddo and it got a little crazy. I haven’t been asked to watch all 3 just yet
We make sooo many compromises as we have more kids and more demands. I would have done the same thing in your shoes!!
I’m just marveling that you’re brave enough to take all 3 with you to the tire store.
I still work 2 days a week so I feel like I get a little bit of both worlds. Of course, it’s just my sister and me and sometimes I wear workout clothes so it’s not very corporate. Ha! I don’t know if I have the planning skills to be a fancy working mom. I really love getting to be home with them most of the time and wouldn’t trade it for a thing!
I still keep wipes in my car and you know how old my girls are! They are a lifesaver!
And yes, I sometimes marvel at how I got along and behaved while I was working full time. I was so rigid in our schedule but then again, I had to be.
I’m very fortunate now that I can work part time from home and let some of the other stuff slide. Life is much more of an enjoyable adventure now.
Well let’s see, drop two kids off at two different schools, to the office all day, and then pick them up from the same school. LOL
But I’m a freak about picking them up on time still. I hate it if I’m even five minutes later than normal. And I get so mad at David for farting around in the afternoons and not picking them up as soon as absolutely possible.
So many changes have happened since having a family – and I am so glad for it. And I will sing the praises of baby wipes all day long – they are so convenient!
I worked until my oldest was 8 and now I can hardly remember it. I don’t know how I’d manage with 3, but there are those that do and I admire them. And sometimes I’m a little jealous.
Oh goodness. I can remember snippets about my previous life, if I think hard enough, but I wouldn’t want to go back. Not most of the time anyway.
I’m still laughing about K’s shoes. It’s strange that as we get older it’s hard to remember what life was like before motherhood.
I’ve never had a time when I didn’t work outside the home (except for a 3-week stint of just being lazy and burned out a few years ago.) I wish with everything within me to get to the place where I don’t HAVE to work, when I can compare my now with my then and laugh at the absurdity of Microsoft Word dominating my days. And yes, wipes are a necessity! I still offer them to my 9 yr old who seems to miss her mouth. A lot.
I don’t know how you do it with 3. With 2, I already feel like I’m losing my mind, and I always forget SOMETHING every time we go out. I used to be so organized when I had 1, I was even getting a little cocky. I’ve learned my lesson now, hahah! Btw, beautiful pic:)
I so get this. When I took Zoe to Urgent Care with her broken arm, I thought Troy’s shoes were in the car and they weren’t. I had to run next door to Kohl’s to buy him a pair of shoes before they x-rayed her arm. GOOD LORD.
I don’t know, this sounds delightful compared with my stressful day of fixing broken websites. I wish I could hang out with my little guy more.
I have baby wipes stashed everywhere. On every floor. In both vehicles. Truly life savers. I sometimes think about what it was like to get up early, drop my oldest off with his Nana and then head on into work. What a rat race. I just love the balance of working some with what I do now, and also staying home. It’s the best fit for us. Oh, and all of the hoopla you just described? yeah, sounds way too familiar
I didn’t drink any coffee, but I answered work emails and looked at an excel spreadsheet. When I was on maternity leave with my first I couldn’t wait to get back to work. I was bored out of mind. With my second I had the first to run around with and discovered this whole world inside my computer. There were endless projects to be done and I could have easily stayed at home. I love my job now, which makes leaving somewhat easier because I love what I do and who I do it for and with.
Ha! I can totally relate to that, though I only have two. I think for me it’s because my second is so much easier but I find myself thinking A LOT about how I wouldn’t have done some of the stuff I do now when C was a baby.